Reactions,Concequences And Waves


AN:- This is gonna be everyone's reactions to various things happened in last chap cause need some review right ?

Nah just kidding, imma explain some stuff and some other things or I'll just leave you guys to figure stuff out

You can kinda skip the starting parts cause it's just reactions but read the later parts ....I guess ?


*3rd POV* or *The NARRATOR POV*

(They are talking while the movie is playing)

When the man lifted the child everyone (gods) looked at Light

Light looked back at them "What?" She asked

"Isn't he supposed to be in something around 1926?" ROB3012 asked while pointing at the Hydra symbol cause if he did then Hydra didn't exist at that time

"Well....when he got thrown randomly that may have changed his path ?"

Originally she planned to thr- I mean send him 16 years before the plot of Captain America

Normally it would've been years before Iron man plot but she just went 'why not mess with him a little more?' And sent him there

Meanwhile Death and Leo were chilling on a sofa Death pulled out of somewhere? Pocket space maybe ?

~After 10 years in movie~

As they continue watching

ROB3012 felt a little confused

He thought the mortal will run away or try to escape, but he did none of that except acting like he didn't know what was happening

And his powers which should've been enough to tear the place apart didn't even work properly

He was supposed to cause chaos as he got corrupted by the power

With his insane potential he should've destroyed the planet by now and he acted like he didn't recognize the symbol of Hydra, It was suspicious

"You didn't activate the seals did you ?" He asked Light suspiciously

"Now why would I do that ?" Light asked annoyed

"How else do you explain his weakness ?"

"How should I know ? Just watch the damn thing " she huffed angrily before ignoring him

As much as ROB3012 was pissed he couldn't do anything ....for now

Their little scuffle caught attention of others so they were interested in knowing the answer too

So they continued watching

It wasn't until they saw the 'thing'

They all went "Ohhhh so that's why"

Honestly they liked it till now

The twist and turns were perfect

Well minus the torture parts

Love fainted the moment she saw him getting experimented on

Those 2 gods of Fate and death were confused cause they couldn't feel their makrs

They all just chalked it up to his soul getting damaged

[Leo had already separated his soul and made copies of his mindscape(different domains) ]

~During the 6 year time skip in movie~

They watched his daily struggle and the missions he did

It wasn't that interesting for the most of them but the ROBs loved the chaos he caused but still were disappointed by the little damage he did

The action was amazing but the destruction he was supposed to cause was not there

It got a little boring in that time so some started betting on how many times he can get hit by bullets or get stabbed

Some cursed out loud when Erste stopped dodging bullets, they lost their bets

Most of the bored ones left while some slept or talked with each other

~The main plot of the movie starts~

"Tony Stark" Erste muttered on the screen

ROB1018 :- "Quickly call the others the plot is about to start !" He said before getting popcorns and drinks and passing them to others

They watched as he spent his days romaning around the place where they kept Stark and sometimes watched the torture while whistling that catchy tune

Heck even some ROBs and other minor gods started whistling

They were pretty sure Stark will suffer a panic attack the moment he hears that tune again

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Erste laughed like a maniac after Stark flies away

"Has he finally lost it !?" ROB2057 practically screamed with his eyes twinkling and getting a little too excited while huffing

Other gods looked disgusted and moved away from him while other ROBs faceplamed at the same time

Sure they loved to cause chaos and stuff but this was little too much even for their standards

Please they were Preverts with standards....well some of them

Anyways continuing with the movie

It again got boring with him just passively spending his time and watching some events like Hulk and Thor

Though there were some exciting events too

Like the one playing on screen right now

When he sneaked in his 'home' and made his way to the commanders office

He killed the man and planted bombs all over the place and blew it sky-high

They laughed when Erste somehow became friends with Thor

And now they were watching the Battel of New York

They watched how he fought

And how he recored when Hulk smashed Loki

"PIECE OF#!*@*$*!#@@!!&@*@&#&!!!&#*@£!(!(#&!(!!*!*@(!*#&#*#*!!!" one of the gods started swearing when he saw Loki getting smashed

"Hahahahaha Don't be mad Loki that's not your avatar " ROB401 patted the God wearing green which turned out to be loki of Leo's universe on his shoulders while laughing

"I know!!! But how he be that dumb, getting caught despite being a master illusionist !!!" He screamed for a while before he gave up and sat down

Everyone watched as he got the mind stone

Followed the escaped Loki, then infiltrated the TVA for the stones and grabbed a couple of Infinity stones

As soon Erste ate them ROBE3012 felt the same feeling again, this time it was worse

As if someone was holding a scythe below his neck and waiting to slash him

"Light can you activate the seals ?" ROB3012 asked when started feeling uneasy like something invisible targeting him

"I can, why ?" She asked without looking

"....Nothing just making sure " the feeling was still there but he ignored it

Light too was feeling weird so had started activating the seals

But she couldn't find the seals or more like her connection was cut

She tried activating the backup poison but couldn't find it either

[Leo and Surtr had erased the seals and turned the poison into ability ]

But the feeling got worse and worse with each Celestial killed

"Light! Activate the Bombs NOW!!! he screamed startling Light and others

She didn't know why he asked her but pressed the switch anyway

Then.....nothing happened

[Dude had already taken care of every bomb he could find ]

{Meanwhile on screen Erste slaughtered every Celestial that came at him and looked at the Watcher and then looked elsewhere}

•At the same time •

RPB3012's face turned pale as he saw Erste 'Look' at the 'camera' and grinned menacingly before confronting the Watcher

"LIGHT BLOW HIM UP!!!" He screamed

"I CAN'T!!!!!" She screamed back while repeatedly pressing the kill switch

Other ROBs and Gods were watching this happening amused thinking this was some new play or something

It wasn't a secret that ROB3012 hated Light's guts

They found out why they were panicking when Erste tried to find 'this' universe

Sure he'll kill Light and that ROB but not their problem

While all this was happening Leo tugged Death's sleeve

"What?" She whispered

Although she can make a illusion to hide them she didn't, she wanted to play spy for a bit

"Will you help me kill them while making it seem like I'm the one doing it ?" He pointed at the panicking Light and ROB3012

"I did say I'll help right ?" she raised he eyebrow a little

(Rock doing the thing )

"Just confirming " he looked away knowing damn well this wasn't going to be free

"Oh and the moment the movie ends I want you to teleport us right in the middle of the hall " he said and she just nodded her head still watching Erste blowing up Universes to get attention

The moment she saw herself in the screen holding Erste's hand

She looked at Leo with a dumbfounded look

"What?" He asked tilting his head

"Did you predict this ?" She point at the screen

"Why do you think that?"

"Then explain how I'm in those fake memories doing the exact same thing as now ?"

It was weird

The movie was his creation of fake POV and memories and this was before he met Death (Mistress Death) and she did the exact same thing from the movie, coming with him here

Only the timing was a little different

"Oh no, this is a pure coincidence " he sounded innocent but had a smirk on his face

refusing to elaborate further

Death looked at him with a blank face and grabbed him to teleport

The movie ended with the screen going black when Erste stepped in the portal and Appearing again right in the middle

"Honey~I'm Home~!" He said smiling creepily looking at Light while holding Death's hand

"H-Hello, I see you're b-back" Light tried to sound normal but her trembling gave her away

ROB3012 tried to sneak away but a dark shadow hand grabbed him on his shoulders

"Where are you going?" Leo disguised as Erste asked a really scared ROB3012 still smiling the same way

"P-Please let me go, m-my wife's in labor!!"

"Really, out of every excuse you could find you chose that?" Leo just sighed and pulled him back while gesturing Death

She snapped her fingers and a group appeared

It was a Truck,a man with a writing pad, a woman in a black coat and 2 shivering gods

"Now then" Leo clapped his hands

"You all have been in one way or other responsible for my death " he said to the group

"First you " he pointed at the ROB who tried to break the chains made by Mistress Death or Lady Death

(AN:- Yeah I'm just gonna call her Lady Death and he isn't exactly capable of harming them he's just acting while she's doing all the work)

"You hired someone to kill me and as if that wasn't enough you were petty enough to reverse time and lock me in place even after I dodged it, so you first" he snapped his fingers and ROB3012 vanished

He looked at the Truck-kun thought for a while before tapping on it's body and blasting it to pieces

It was alive but on the verge of dying

He then turned towards the man and the woman

He took her scythe and cut her arm and slashed the man's legs

"You were just following the contract so you're safe, but you two" he pointed at the gods of Fate and death from some random pantheons

"What made you think it was a good idea to try to mark me ?" And cut their throats before storing their divinities in a container he asked Death to make

Just as he stored it Lady Death grabbed it from his hands and broke it

'I'll give you better stuff ' she said telepathically

He finally looked at Light who was trying her best to smile

"E-Erste nice to see you again hope you're not too angry about the last stunt I pulled ?"

"Oh yes the last thing I saw before you dropped me in that " he said smiling before grabbing her face and lifting her up

"W-wa-" she tried to say something before he ripped her hands and kicked her and held her head and crushed it

*sigh* "Why the heck did I use my hands ?" He looked down and tore a piece of cloth from Light's dress to clean his hand

"Hmmmmm...." he looked around a bit before dashing off in another direction as if searching for something

Love nearly had a heart attack when she saw him running towards her

Although she couldn't sense any malice

She tried to run but knew it was useless so she just looked like cute corned rabbit

Leo looked at the trembling rabbit like goddess before picking her up and hugging her

"Thank you for actually trying to do something nice " he said while patting her head

Love still confused and relieved still hugged him back

After the brief hug he put her back down and went towards Death who had created a rip in space to go back

He looked around a little before looking at one particular direction and nodded his head before going in the rip/portal


•After Leo stepped in the rip•

"He saw me ...." a voice sounded in the void trembling a little

" I need to report it" it said before vanishing

"LEADERRRR!!" the same voice called while entering what looked like a meeting room with white walls while a presentation was going on

Everyone looked at Agent81

She got a little embarrassed


She cleared her throat

"Leader I've got a urgent report " she said looking at one person who was trying to hide from everyone's gaze

He quickly got up and


Smacked Agent81's head with a file before dragging her out while bowing his head a little and closing the door behind him

"You better have a good reason for that or say goodbye to holidays " The leader as agent81 called him said while folding his hands

"Sir, a soul from UniverseZZRE098810810 was able to see me "

"..... What?"

"Sir I said a so-"

"No I got that the first time, I'm asking are you sure he was able to see you ?" He asked cutting her mid sentence

"He looked at me and nodded his head as if greeting me "

*sigh* "This is above my pay grade " he sighed a little

"Okay then let's go meet the boss " he dragged agent81 again with him to the meeting room he just got out of

"Well then let's disc-"


"Everyone ....get out, now " He just kicked the door and walked right in interrupting the fat man who was about to say something

He looked at the head of the table

"We've got a potential Void Breaker" the moment he said that everyone rushed out

After the room cleared he sat down besides the 'manager'

"Are you sure ?" Manager asked

"Yes, that soul was able to see agent81 and even nodded his head at her "

The manager looked solemnly at him before saying

"I'll handel it, don't spread the news "

"Got it"

After leader left the room

"I don't get paid enough for this shit " manager said before pressing a button on his desk and slumped back in his chair

"Well it's the Director's problem now "


The moment the said that his phone started ringing

"Yes, this is ManagerRRI091013 speaking"

"WHAT THE HEL DID YOU SEND ME!!!!??" the voice from the opposite side shouted loudly and the manger held the phone away from his ear

"Sir it's a potential Void Breaker and I don't have enough clearance for this " he said calmly

"...Fine, does anyone else know ?" The voice asked after some silence

"Only the LeaderARX1010þ and his agent know "

"....Any possibility of a leak ?"


"Good " and the voice cut the call


The director sighed while cutting the call before speed dialing another number


??:-"What?" Person from the call asked

Director:- "Void Breaker "

??:-"So what? Eliminate him if not erase his Universe that'll affect every beings Karma of that Universe and kill him even if he escapes "

Director:- "That's the problem sir, he has already cut all the Karmic ties to his Universe "

??:-"...Where is he?"

Director:- "TOAA1082's World "

??:-".....OK destroy it, I'll handle the rest "

Director:- "But sir there's a problem, that soul's name is marked in black "

??:- "..."

The voice stayed silent for a while

??:- "Ignore him and eliminate anyone who knows this and erase all evidence related to that soul"

Director:- "....It will be taken care of "

He clicked the phone and almost smashed it on the ground

He was angry but controlled himself before messaging someone and throwing his phone away and poured some wine in a glass

"Sorry about this " he said while taking a sip

News spread that Agent81, LeaderARX1010þ ManagerRRI091013 resigned

They were never seen again

"It's pretty rare to see you that worked up " a man asked his friend who was trying to clam down while taking deep breaths

"A black name popped up" he said before continuing taking deep breaths


The cup he was holding slipped from his hand

".....Which one ?" He asked seriously

His friend moved his lips and silence spread everywhere

"....Shit" that was the only reaction he could come up with before downing the entire bottle of Sake in one breath before ordering more


"Sooooo why am I here again ?" Leo asked Lady Death who for some reason was still kept him in her realm

"Why?~ Getting bored already~? " She said while rubbing his cheek with hers

".....As much as I'm enjoying this, I'd like to come back with my body "

"Aren't you 2 days old ?"

"WHEN I grow up and what do you want for helping me ?"

"....You" she said while holding him up in the air same way she did when they met the first time and smiled a little

"How" He said while smiling just like the first time


And got his head ripped .....again