Life of Osker

*Osker POV*

It's been almost a week since my rebirth and life is what I would expect....boring

Everything is pretty much normal

Just wake up, drink milk, cry a lot, shit, sleep, drink milk again and repeat

Although soiling myself is putting me in a moral dilemma and it's also hurting my pride a lot, can't do much about it so I just stare at the ceiling while contemplating life

Oh and remember the small child my supposed father was carrying?

Apparently that's my twin sister born after me as I slept for few minutes before waking up. My soul was transferred few minutes later it seems, hence the lag?

So a little sister, that is a new one as I didn't have any younger siblings in my past life. I was the smallest and you can imagine the things I went through

And another thing that has been bugging me for a while now


Why is the screen just floating in front of me?

For the past week, I've been mentally tortured by this screen

Just loading 0.001% in minutes or sometimes even hours

If it wasn't for the fact that I am physically incapable of any movement, I might have banged my head on the wall till I passed out as the worst part is that I can't ignore it as even closing my eyes doesn't help

It's just there....silently ticking away to completion

But setting aside the mentally horrifying process, it has helped in rasing my patience to ungodly levels and perhaps even my will in some twisted way

"Is he awake?" A voice calls out

"Yes" answers Mother

I'm in my crib so visibility is limited by a lot. Not to mention my senses aren't really that developed yet, heck it's a miracle that I can atleast make out what they are saying

My thoughts are interrupted as a giant face(from my prespective) looks over at me

It's my Father of this life.

He lifts me up carefully to not disturb the sleeping siren which is my sister. It honestly hurts my still developing ears how loud babies can be

"He has your eyes" he says with a smile

Although it has been a week, this is probably the first time he has seen me awake cause most of the time I'm either sleeping or pretending to be asleep

Too be honest it's suspicious how he only vists when visiting hours are over and how can I tell? Although my senses are still in development I can still see most things (well ignoring the sixty percent blurr rate) and night sky is pretty easy to make out especially when you are place directly below it (my crib is near the window)

So yes, definitely suspicious but then who am I to talk. I am a grown ass adult (technically 22 but I had a job and lived on rent and yes that's my definition of an adult, bite me) in a body of a babe. Not really in a position to say anything

But my inner monologue came to halt as I noticed the grim atmosphere. Heck even lights somehow dimmed

"Are they still on about it?" Mother asked cradling me in her arms

Father sighed and sat near her feet "They are. It just feels like they keep getting worse with each passing day"

"Now do you believe me?" Mother remarks sarcastically "The church isn't what it was before..." 'Wait What?' "...they have lost their faith. Even more so in recent years"

'Oi oi oi backtrack a minute woman. What?' I want to ask but again - baby

'Church? How the hell did the topic even go to that direction?'

I had a little mental breakdown cause if you've read(red) or watched as many shows or stories as I did, then you know shit hits the fan extra quick whenever the church is involved, especially if the protagonist is just born, always

And I don't think for a second that whoever sent me here (Not that cheap Morgan Freeman lookalike for sure) planned a smooth journey for me. Cause let's be honest, chances of finding a truly benevolent enity are less then a monkey winning a chess match against a A.I while writing Shakespeare on a bike going a-


[Loading 100% complete.

Welcome Host!]

'....Are you for real?' I thought while staring at the screen for it's not-so-suspicious timing

[No Host I am a digital interface designed to help you]

The reply left me staring at it for a while before I sighed mentally 'Okay let's get this over with' feeling a bit relieved that the torturous wait is finally over

'So..' I ask 'What do I call you? Just system?'

[Correct. Although that decision is upto you Host, but name cannot be changed later on so please make sure to choose it wisely]

'Fair enough' I gave it a mental nod as naming wasn't really required nor essential

Atleast it answers quickly, atleast there is no delay unlike the faulty loading

'Explain your functions'

With that, the interference expanded to what looks like a Status Board along with few other tabs to the side


Name:- Osker Shidou (Osker)

Level:- 0

Title:- None

Class:- None

Type:- Normal Human

HP:- 10/10

MP:- 15/15 (sealed/unavailable)

STR:- 3

DEX:- -2

AGI:- -4

VIT:- 1

INT:- 15

WIS:- 10

LUC:- 48

Perks:- None

Ability:- None

Skills:- None

Available Points:- 0

Missions:- Unavailable

Quests:- None

Shop:- Locked]

'Okay?' I eyed it strangely

I knew it was going to normal as I'm still a baby....'But what the heck is minus two even supposed to be !?'

[Answering your question Host] the system chimes in [As you know babies have limited movement after being born and their bodies are still in development. So it is more accurate to say you currently do not have the necessary bones to even move yet]

'Right....sorry, I forgot I'm still a baby' if I could, I would be scratching my head with a embarrassed smile right now

(Something was wrong)

[No worries Host] And went quite after that, probably waiting for more questions

Taking a quick look at the stats again, I noticed few abnormalities

'Why is MP sealed ?'

[As stated before, Host's body is still in development and it can't handle mana, no matter how miniscule it may be]

I don't know if it was possible but I felt my eye twitch at that 'Why do I feel insulated by that ?'

[Might be your imagination Host] it responds in its monotonous voice with a hint of sarcasm dripping

'Not sentient my ass'

Mentally sighing I then asked another doubt 'What is the difference between Mission and Quest?'

[Quest are what they imply, quest. Given by other beings or self imposed such as 'Run to get specific stats' or 'Do this to get this particular skill' etc]

'Hmm interesting. Does this mean I can impose any number of quests?'

[Yes and No]


[Host can create quest for himself or any situation but the final outcome dpends on the Causality]


[Yes Host, consider it equivalent exchange in simple terms. Nothing in any Universe is created without causing some sort of actions that may or may not cause wide scale destruction or total annihilation. As a Reincarnator your very existance changes Fate and Destiny which may gather some not so friendly beings attention]

'True, no one likes an unstable variable'

[Precisely and given the fact that gods exists in this universe, it is more than likely that they will simply erase Host just so you won't meddle with their games]

'So what's the restriction?'

[Quest can be given to yourself but you have to consider the effects it may cause on the world]

'Equivalent exchange'

[Yes. You simply can't give yourself a quest of just running few kilometers and expect to gain Speed- Force as reward. It would be too unreasonable and unrealistic]

It does have a point but there is a question bothering me 'What about those fan-fics where they did exactly that and made a absolute broken Mc ?'

[Host a word of advice..] suddenly it's already monotonous voice sounded colder and a bit fearful [Never and I repeat Never mention anything about those worlds ever again]

Now that's unexpected 'Can you give me a hint?'

It stayed silent for a minute before displaying one word


'...' I had no words

I knew exactly what it meant by that and I don't want to think about it so I changed the topic altogether

'What's the difference between Quests and Missions?'

The system seemed to sigh in relief and answers with a slightly more warmer tone

[As Host knows, Quests are issued and can be denied with little to no consequences. While Missions are something mandatory that Host has to complete]

'And why is that?'

[Remember what I said about Host's very existance changing Fate? It is because the host is an outsider. You can say that doing Missions is paying taxes to the world for allowing host to alter certain Fates without any major backlash and certain Missions are more rewarding then some]

'Hmm fair point' I nodded mentally

It does make sense. Kind of?

The rest of the functions are self-explanatory so no need to ask about them and there is a little 'info' tag so I can just check it out later

I already know how to close the system interference so after doing just that I finally paid attention to everything around me and all I got was, silence

'This is a bad habit isn't it?' I mused cause the conversation was long over and it was night meaning the entire time I was talking to the system, I blanked out or more like I couldn't pay any attention to the world around.

Not that big of a deal for now but can cause problems later on which reminds me

'Can I level up?'


Okay then 'How do I give myself a quest?'

The system seemed happy and answered [This is the Lust System Host. Any action or activity that is considered as lustful can be used to gain exp as an alternative to killing monsters or other entities]

Now that is a good news but it does create some complications. Like what can be considered as Lust? Take for example, two lovers having sex, sure their actions can be called as 'making love to each other' but it's sex so it can categorised as lustful act.

Then what about hand holding? I mean it's lewd in anime sense and I am in an anime world so does it work?

Now this just leaves one important question

'Why is the shop sealed?'

[The system isn't fully activated]

'Whaaa?' I call bullshit on this 'and how do I activate it?'

[The answer is in the name]

'Wow really making me work aren't you?' I thought

To unlock it, I probably need to perform any act related to lust of some kind but it's difficult cause...still a baby

'I now know why we gain consciousness only after 5, really difficult to do anything at all' I lament on my predicament

Now for my current problem, how to activate it? Hmm....Oh got it!


[Yes Host?]

As soon as it answers I created a rough explanation of what I had in mind

'Create this quest and tell me if it's possible' I say while thinking of the basic outline of a quest

[Affirmative] It answers and a loading screen appears

I waited for a few second and luckily enough

[Quest Created!] It worked

The quest was as follows

[Daily Quest:- Drink milk and suck as if your life depends on it (it does)


, 1Xp per-drink , 1 Lust Point (LP for short) , Title-(sealed)

Quest Failure Penalty:- None

Note:- Following Quest can be repeated multiple times a day]

[Do you accept?]

It worked as inteded...maybe a bit over the top with that skill but who am I to complain but

'Why just 1 xp?'

[It's a action devoid of any lust and just of pure affection which falls in the domain of love]

'So basically it's nerfed?'


'Doesn't that also mean if an action is closer to Lust than the rewards also increase?'

[Correct but be careful of not falling to the other side host]

'Other side?' definitely not ominous at all

[There is a thin line between Lust and Debauchery so tread very carefully Host. If you ever fall to that side, you will become nothing more than a sex craving demon that fucks everything that moves until you eventually die or destroy everything]

I gulped or atleast tried to but still a baby so....I just gave a mental nod

'I will keep that in mind' I had my suspicions but no power comes free of cost does it?

I didn't say anything after that and the system also stayed silent until I noticed a blinking icon in the corner of my eyes

I mentally clicked and it displayed the quest which I momentarily forgot

'Yes' I gave a command and the screen flickered out and a clock appeared in right corner with 24hrs slowly ticking indicating the timer to complete the quest which isn't bad

'Oh well. Let's think about it later' I thought while drifting off to sleep

-The Next day-

As usual, I woke up feeling refreshed for no reason which was confusing but I'll credit that to my growing body

"You're awake?" Says mother while picking me up from the crib into her arms "Are you hungry?" She shifts her hospital robes, shoving my breakfast in front of me and I started sucking on it as if my life depend on it which it did

"Oh~?" She gasped sharply the moment I did. Apparently her nipples are sensitive after childbirth so a little too much sucking causes her to gasp or moan once in a while

She smiles wryly while shaking her head "Drink slowly little one. I'm not going anywhere" and gently hums while patting my back

Meanwhile my attention is attracted to the little notification icon and I mentally clicked it

[Daily Quest complete

Rewards :-

Flexible Tongue , 1Xp, 1LP,


Feeling curious I clicked on the title and it opened

[Title:- Taboo Lover

Title Description:- Since ancient times Incest has been a normal thing as their compatibility was almost perfect as if they were made for each other but genetic defects didn't grantee the survival of the future generations so it was considered as a sinful act. As time went by, it was considered a taboo among many other things hence frowned upon

But what if there were no genetic defects? What if the child born carried the advantageous genes of their parents?

Title Effect:- Your seed no longer carries any genetic defects of yours or your partners blood. You have a natural aura highly attractive to woman who seek a strong seed. Whenever you're in a proximity of a member of opposite species that carries the same blood as you, they will be attracted to you in a not so SFW way so please be careful

Additional Effects:- +30 VIT ( You can give a horse a run for it's money), +20 DEX (You are skilled enough with your fingers to make anyome orgasm within few seconds) ]

'....What the hell?' Was my only response seeing it

'Isn't it too broken? And that too this early?' As if proving me right the system chimes in

[Due to the incapability of the body to commit sexual acts this status and it's effects will be sealed until the body develops further

-Thank you for your cooperation]

'Fair enough' I shrugged mentally but the title did prove to me that this world is filled with hentai elements. I mean just look at it, the only reason why it wasn't flagged as one was probably because they didn't show the important bits

'And whatever the fuck happened to not becoming a depraved demon? Isn't this title just pushing it?'

[Incorrect Host. The title do not affect you in any way]

'How so? Doesn't it have special effects?'

[Indeed it does. But it does not affect Host's mentality. The title at the end is just that. A title. Using it the way it is described is upto host]


[The effects are pretty much self-explanatory Host. Imagine the rest]

Hmm...that is indeed concerning.

'Can I turn it off ?'



With a nod, the system interference shuts off and I drift to sleep once again thinking about the future

Amd with it I'm looking forward to the world of 'Big Titty Gals with Magic' and with a almost sex system....till I grow up


-3 years Later-

Apparently, I was wrong. Not about the church part oh no. It's screwed, well atleast the one in my neighbourhood.


Well two words - Fallen Angles

Turns out this world isn't just big titty gals in extra tight clothes

It's a mess...with big titty girls in extra tight clothes

And how do I know that about the fallen angels?


[Lasquella- Lv 89 ]

[Ranscor- Lv 76 ]

[Dreyjack- Lv 38 ]

Apparently fallen angels are well hidden

And more importantly.... 'What kind of name is 'Deryjack' !? What did his parents even think before naming him something like that!? And what the fuck does Lasquella even mean!?' I could feel my eye twitching by those names

"Is something wrong child?" The angel in the nun's clothing asks. Funnily enough she literally is one just a fallen but a angel nonetheless

"Child?" She asks again seeing how I was staring at her. I should really stop monologing at random times

Seeing at her fake worried face I quick shook my head "Nothing. Just that Onee-san is beautiful" I will never get used to the way people adress each other

"Oh my~ Why thank you sweet girl" she smiled and patted my head while I gaver her a blank look

"I'm a boy"

Her body went stiff for a moment and she gave me strange look "Why are you wearing that?"

"I have a twin sister" My dead eyed look answered everything she needed to know and looked at me with a pitiful gaze before greeting other guests

As for what the hell is going on, let me give a quick summary

One day I was sleeping soundly in the living room when mother barged in and rudely awoken me and proceeded to dress me up in my sister's clothes and dragged me here

Here exact words were 'We are going to meet your godmother' and guess who my supposed 'godmother' is *drumroll*

Yup it's the big titty extremely curvy thicc fallen angel in almost too revealing nun's clothing- Lasquella ....still not sure about the name but she insist to be called Ella which is a improvement

Apparently she looked after mother when she first joined the chruch as a runaway and acted as a emotional support of sorts. All Las- I meam Ella wanted was to meet her future family and this sounds suspicious as hell

So yeah, long story short, I'm screwed. How?


[ New Quest!

Godmother❌️ Angel Mommy✅️

Quest details:- You've discovered a stray group of Fallen Angles near you. Fortunately and unfortunately for you, they don't belong to any faction but can be the same said in the future?

Quest Objective :- Make this group's leader 'Lasquella' fall for your charms by any means necessary

Quest Rewards:- Title(Hidden); 10,000 Exp; 10,000 LP; 3 Rare Ability Gacha Rolls, +20 to all stats (except Luck) and +40 Favorability with fallen angels

Quest Failure:- Fallen Angle- Ella becomes interested in you]

For a few seconds I just started at it with a dumbfounded look before it turned into a 'What the fuck?'

[What Host?]

'I thought the quest failure penalty will be more severe than that'

[It is host, you are just unable to see it]


[ Fallen Angles are called fallen for a reason. Some may have committed most harmless sins such as drinking or eating meat while others have done something much more horrifying than even demons. Imagine what will happen when someone who has effortlessly gained control of a chruch going as far as to corrupt it, gets interested in you]

'That doesn't sound bad?'

[Host this may sound inappropriate but...are you fucking Dumb?]

'Ok! OK! I'm kidding! No need to get mad!' I mused

In the past three years I've pretty much dropped my guard against the system. Time and time again it has proven its usefulness

But jokes aside this mission is dangerous. From what I've learned so far turns out my suspicions were proven right along with something more

This world works on Hentai Logic. But the problem is that hentai or not; 'Logic' is till a thing. While getting in someone's pants is easy, the reprecautions are less than savoury

Let's say you had a one night stand with a girl and the next day, you leave. Now according to hentai you get away scot free but here you will be jailed on accusations of raping the girl after drugging her and the best part? They find drugs on you or in your possession and before you know it; you lose your house, job, money, family and your entire world is destroyed overnight

....Now that I think about it, it's pretty much the same as the real world but the only difference is, there is no one innocent in this world

Everyone is a wolf in sheep's clothing

So the conclusion is if she gets even a hint I'm intresting in some way, she might turn me into a guinea pig and even if it doesn't work she might find a way to try to 'awaken' my powers by external stimulation for example going through extreme emotion

And based on the hentai logic, I don't need to say what will happen do I?

So yes, pretty fucked. Good luck future me

"Osker-kun ?" A voice called out

I give her the best shy impression and ask "Yes beautiful Onee-san?"

She doesn't even miss a beat "Let's go, your mother is here" and she carries me away. It almost looks like she's eager to get rid of me and if I read it right, then she probably is trying to do so

You see the moment I saw her, I knew she hated humans with passion. The priest guy, although smiling, was hurt. He had some bruises hidden by the robe that were briefly visible when shaking hands

Not to mention how was looking at me with disgust the moment she I told her I was a boy


"What's wrong?" Asks mother while driving home

"Nothing" I answer while looking out the window.

After a bit of awkward silence she asked "So...How was she?"

"She hates me"

"No she doesn't"

"She does"

"And what makes you say that?"

"The entire two hours I was there, she only spoke to me twice and that's it"

Mother chuckles a bit "She's a little bit rough around the edges but she is nice. Just give her a chance"

"Fine" I groaned and looked away trying to hide my smirk

'Fufufu All according to keikaku'

[Do you accept?]

Oh right almost forgot about this

'Yes' I thought that was gonna be it but the system promo said otherwise

[Side Note:- Lasquella was a former scientist of the Grigori under Azazel working on Scared Gears]


I simply closed it and let out a sigh. Stakes just went up from hundred to million really really quick-


Looking at my little sister who gods knows when managed to get this close I smiled "Something wrong Irina?"

She pouted and continued poking my cheek "Stop ignoring me!"

I patted her down before running away

'This is it huh?' I thought

'I need to tread carefully on this path. One slip and it all en-'

"Stop running!"

'Oh look who finally managed to catch up' My thoughts were cut short when she tackled me to the ground and we started our 124th scuffle of the day


Kids and their extra playful energy is something I'll never get used to
