Life of Osker - Ch:- 2

*Osker POV*

Now how do I tackle this?

The mission did say 'charm' but what does count as charm? Does making her follow my orders count as that or do I have to make her fall head over heals for me ? Or do I have to be like those chinese protagonist and say something along the lines of:-

"Just wait till this young master gets his hands on you. Count your days bitch! With this godly talent of mine I'll have you beg for mercy under my crotch! Muahahahahaha-"

As much as cringe it was, it felt satisfying acting like this once in a while without restrains. Hey don't blame, I'm still a three year old

But perhaps I should've reigned it in a bit as I didn't notice I had company until it was too late

My impressions was cut short by the sound of floor creaking

I quickly turned back to see my sister standing by the door

We both stared at each other for what felt like a eternity when the spell was beoken by the dolls in her hands falling down

She looked at me with disgust and took a step back "Nii-chan no hentai" (My brother is a pervert)


An invisible arrow went through my heart

She just gave me a look and ran away ....I should probably stop her shouldn't I?

"Get back here you little-! "

And so I ran to save whatever self-respect I had left

I barely managed to grab her by the ankle and drag her away whilst keeping her mouth shut when...


"Ewww! Did you just lick my hand ?!" I quickly pulled it back as she gave me a victory smirk before running again or she would have it not for me to lock her in a choke hold....At least that was the plan


"Ow! What are you?! A dog?!" I screamed but didn't let go

"Lef mf go fuff!" She cried in a muffled voice while still biting my hand

Of course as the mature one of the siblings. I did what I should


"Nevaaaa!" Engage in a biting contest

Few minutes later, the result was obvious

"Who started it?" Asked mother after finding us in a awkward pose with our bodies tangled with each other

"Him/Her" we both pointed at each other only for her to hit our heads with a rolled up newspaper.....Shit hurts

"Both of have lost you ice cream privilege" she says with a stern look

"Whaaaa" we cried out in disbelief much to her satisfaction as she continues "Do this again and I won't let you watch TV"

'Oy that's too much woman!' I cried 'Maybe biting the uncovered areas was a bad idea?' I thought ignoring the glare Irina was giving me

"Now, I'm going out to buy some groceries. Your father will be here in 5 minutes" she said before giving us a warning look "Behave till he gets here"

"Hai~" we replied and waved her out

"Oss" she called me out by a weird nickname whilst standing by the door

"Yes?" I asked as she bent down to my level and whispered

"Can I trust you to look after her?" Damn that's some high level of trust on a three year old mother

"Yes ma'am!" I did a mock salute nevertheless as she ruffles my hair

"Wait, aren't I supposed to be the one who looks after him?" Irina said

I just showed her my tongue in a childish way as mother closed the door leaving us alone

The moment she was gone Irina jumped me

"Give me my ice-cream back!" Totally blaming the wrong person sis

And so began our another marathon of the day with her chasing me for absolutely no reason under false accusations....okay maybe a part of it was my fault but still, I hate children logic

It was only when father came did she stop. Not before giving me a look that said 'It's not over yet'

Which now that think about it is weird. Like aren't you supposed to be a normal three year old? Why are you displaying so many emotions? Well, not like I'm in any position to say that cause I'm quite literally a grown man in a child's body. Maybe she is in her learning phase and she's taking notes from the nearest source which is me.

'That's bad isn't it?' I thought before sighing

I made my way towards her and she pouted angrily about to shout again but

"Yo-" she stopped mid sentence staring at thing in my hand

"Peace?" I ask while giving her a peace offering

She was quick to react and take the thing from my hand "Peace" she muttered while eating the peace-offering aka the ice-cream

Advantages of having a shop:- You can buy anything as long as you have points and when I say anything, I mean it

Like for example check this out


Lollipop (Any flavor):- 1LP

Ice-cream (Any flavor):- 1LP

Money :- 1LP = 1,000 (any currency)

Water:- 1LP = 10 liters

Body weights (Any of specific requirements) :- 1LP = 10 Kg


Guns:- 10-50 LP (depending on specifications)

Rockets:- 50-100 LP

Bombs:- 50-150 LP

Swords (Various Ranks) :- 1- 1,000,000,000,000,000 LP

Bows (Various Ranks) :- 1- 1,000,000,000,000,000 LP


Lucky draw:- Copper-100 LP per spin (random rewards); Silver- 200 LP; Gold- 500 LP ; Platinum - 1000 LP

Mission hints:- 1 - 1,000,000,000,000,000 LP]

And the list goes on. If I was in a apocalyptic world, I might have become some big shot with how cheap everyday items are

Most of the stuff is easy to buy except the luck draw for obvious reasons and the OP weapons that range from just trivial butter knifes to universe ending weapons hence the mind blowing price

And for context purposes, not using lucky draw every waking moment of the day has nothing to do with having almost zero points. Oh no, definitely not that

It's because there is a limit of 5 draws each month to keep it entertaining, system's words not mine which for the record, hella sus but I guess that's the price for sending me here?

Not like I never thought about it

But some stuff is truly bonkers like that mission hint tab. That's simply cheat if you have enough points

On that note, I should probably show rest of the expensive stuff


Chakra (unlocks nodes) :- 10,000 LP

Magic bloodline (gives access to magical forces/ improves sensitivity of already possess the bloodline) :- 10,000 LP

Six Eyes :- 20,000 LP

X-gene (No mutation specified):- Beta - 10,000 LP; Alpha -50,000 LP ; Omega - 100,000 LP ; Beyond Omega :- 1,000,000 LP

Meta-gene (No mutation specified):- 100,000 LP

Kryptonian bloodline:- 1,000,000,000 LP

Saiyan bloodline:- Commoner- 100,000 LP; Legendary Super Saiyan- 10,000,000 LP; Super Saiyan God- 10,000,000,000 LP

Mother Box:- 1,000,000 Lp

Infinity Stone(Any) :- 1,000,000,000,000 LP

Universe Annihilator:- 1,000,000,000,000 LP] I said, pretty bonkers

So I just plan to stick to the normal part of the shop and just use the lucky draw cause as it turns out, 48 out of 100 points of luck aren't that bad

Apparently 20 is the average value so I'm pretty lucky

And yes I did use the lucky draw a lot of times cause babies drink a lot

Of course that wasn't enough so...

[Daily Quest:- Kiss your sister!

Details:- Showing your devious side this early are you? Fear not for we support your endeavors after all, Incest is Wincest!

Rewards:- Kiss your sister -

On the forehead - 1LP;

On the cheek- 4 LP;

Dangerously close to the lips - 10 LP;

On the lips - 40 LP + 10 points for each additional second ;

French Kiss - 100 LP + 20 for each additional second ]

And here I thought I could fool the system

You see, the plan was to just create that quest without specifying where I would kiss her but the system was one step ahead and caught me red handed. At this point, I feel like its just rubbing it in for giggles cause.....

[Daily Quest:-

1"Restless Nights with Mother

2"No territory left Uncleaned

3"Doctor - Doctor

4"Energetic Licker ]

....Honestly? The titles sound like a start bad of a porno and I don't really blame them cause some might be

The first is pretty obvious. The goal is to basically molest every part of her body without awakening her. The more riskier it is, the more points I get, upto thousand. The second is bathing with either mother or sister, do I need to say more? The third is a ero game to be played with adults (obviously females)....I leave the rest to your imagination and the last but not least, is just me drinking milk and doing everything in my power to make her orgasm. Every discharge is around thousand to two thousand points

But I wisely chose to ignore the over the top objectives and stuck to the simple ones

Even after all these years I never forgot the warning it gave me and for context those are system generated quests that poped up randomly one day, my hands are clean....figuretively

"Nii?" I'm called out of my monologing with a spoon to the face

It may have seemed like a while but all the above stuff happened within a five second span. How?


[ABILITIES :- Multi-tasking, Accelerated Thought Process(ATP), etc]

I did say I played the draw few times. It was only fair I got some good stuff and this is few of them, other are a secret....for now

So back to the conversation

"What ?" I ask with my guard on

"Here" she says shoving the spoon full of ice cream in my face

Unsure, I eyed her with suspicion. Now don't get me wrong I don't really have anything against her but trust me when I say it, kids remember and they remember for a long time so it's suspicious how she got over that so quickly

She continued looking at me with puppy dog eyes and finally I relented and ate it

"Hmm" I nodded and she smiled brightly melting my heart

We enjoyed the ice-cream before I bought another one and shared it and in that moment I decided how my future will play out

Small beginnings often lead to great stories and looks like I found mine

As much as cliche as it might sound

'I will protect that smile no matter what' is a small promise I made to myself


"See you later kid" she said with a smile which looked genuine, for me atleast

"Now I don't feel like leaving" I replied like a spoiled brat

She simply picked me up and carried me away "Not happening"

I just snuggled in her embrace while hiding the smirk that threatened to break

Two years

That's how long it took to establish any semblance of connection with this busty nun

It started the day I complained to mother on how we didn't get along so she came up with the idea of having Ellla teach me and before long, I was spending most of the time with her

Although it was a close call as mostly children of three years old don't typically solve multiplication problems thankfully I was saved

I never hid anything from my parents like acting dumb or pretending to be a child (Not by much atleast) so they just chalked it up to me being a born genius.

Honestly? I was scared shitless. Not by the fear of failing the mission, ohhh no, not even close. It was the borderline insane look she gave me for a split second that sent chills down my spine

Back to the present

I waved her goodbye and was about to head home when I saw the familiar blonde from the corner of my eye

It was Irina, being led somewhere by the really suspicious corrupted priest

'What is she doing here?' I thought and followed her. Not because of how suspicious he looked or the fact that I read too many cliches related to priests. Yup, definitely not that

So I followed them to the back of the church and saw them enter the storeroom

If that wasn't suspicious then I don't know what is

In that moment, alarms started going off in my head and I quickly ran to it and brust through the door only to freeze by the sight in front of me

Irina was on the ground with the man on top of her and her clothes torn

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what he was upto

To this day I have no idea what happened as one moment I was standing by the door and the next-

I was in middle of a carnage

"Wh-What?" I asked myself, my voice breaking and croking by the lump in my throat looking at my blood soked hands

This was the first time I have seen this much blood and not the mention entrails stuck to my clothes and parts of a person scattered all around

And as if that wasn't enough

"No" I cried out as I find something else within the carnage

Falling to the ground, I carefully picked up the bits of pieces of clothes, specially of a child's and I know who those belong to

Scenarios of what could have happened went through my mind in a split second but even then I could not accept the fact-

"What...have I done?"

-That I killed my sister












.....Or so I thought