Life of Osker - Ch:- 3-16

-Osker POV-

"Shhh shh shh shh shh" I sushed the crying Irina while hugging her tight

"You're fine" I spoke in a soft voice, gently caressing her hair "I'm here....It will alright" I whispered

To my relief, I found her by the wall huddeled up in a corner; shaking and almost naked, similarly covered in blood that may have spilled on her.

I quickly ran up to her not caring for the blood or of what may have happened but simply pulled her in my embrace and have been comforting her for the last ten minutes

The hug did absolutely nothing to calm her down so I had to resort to use that banned title much to my dismay. Even when I knew what could happen in future, I still did it.

The future me can take care of it, for now, I have a crying and traumatized child to take care of

But to be honest, it is for me more than her as trying to comfort her is the only thing keeping me from throwing up. I'm trying not to think about the carnage but the smell of blood especially in a closed room does not help, at all

So we stayed, for few minutes until her cries turned into soft breaths indicating her passing out

'Hopefully she will just think of all this as a nightmare when she waks up' I thought removing my T-shirt and covering her up while setting a red flag unknowingly

"Now what should I do about this?" I muttered looking at the mess


I quickly snapped my head towards the voice to find Ella standing by the door with a look of horror on her face

Her eyes shift from me to the one behind me and her face takes a look of fury

"What have you done to her ?" She asks and I knew it was too late to explain cause the very next moment, magic circles appeared behind her


-Narrator POV-


To be honest Ella did not want to fight the child but her instincts as a former angel were screaming to kill him quickly while making sure the girl behind him was safe

In her mind, Irina was more precious than anything for she carried a broken fragment of an angel, a small part but a angel nonetheless

Now she did not have anything against Osker but the fact that they were in a room full of blood with Irina half naked did not help, well that and the fact that she never trusted him

The very first day they had met, she smelled the stench of a demon hence the reason why she never liked him, thankfully the war was chaotic and she couldn't remember which demon it was otherwise it would've ended this tale rather early

Now Osker did have a faint suspicion about it as the system was quite literally based on Lust and the only being who fit the description to the tee, was pretty obvious. So he too was on guard but thankfully unlike other dumb reincarnators who simply skip over important things only to suffer later, he did not

Osker is many things but an illogical idiot he is not....well, not for long

He knew it was only a matter of time before he was found out. So he bought some items, seals amd other things that hid his powers from the eyes of the supernatural but sadly it was all for naught

The moment he saw Dreyjack about to commit something unspeakable, he snapped

At that moment his frustration about keeping his powers in check; his guilt of lying to the only people who cared for him in this world and most importantly, the rage of being whiskered away into another world after dying unfairly; all of it overflowed and broke the fragile dam of patience he had built over the years

And thus he saved his sister while also killing the corrupted human

But sadly this story does not have a happy ending

Lasquella at that moment was doing her chores when the wave of nauseating aura hit her senses but only for a brief second

She quickly stopped and ran towards the source and here we are finally caught up with the present

Now, onto the story shall we?


"Wait! Hear me out!" Osker cried out while weaving through the spells

Ella did not hear him out. If anything, she redoubled her efforts and started blasting at him more aggressively

Osker tried his best to dodge but eventually, he fought back

His figure blurred as he appears right behind her with his hand raised in chopping motion and with a clean hit, he managed to knock her out. He had the system for 5 years, if can't even do something simple as knocking a High level Angel than he should just kill himself

Taking a deep breath, he first went on to find Irina and after that looked at Ella thinking what to do next

He knew well enough that if he left her alone, she would come after him cause the moment he knocked her out, he had shown he was capable of being a threat to her and given the logic he knew she would seek revenge

'Good thing I had this in place' he thought while looking at the shining tattoo on his hand

He could kill her and be done with it but she wasn't just some stray that wouldn't be noticed. She had an entire faction under her and each of them could simply go after his family if they found out. So he switched to the first plan and the mission- Charming her.....well kind of

Unlike what others might think, he didn't just play around in last two years

[Touch of Depravity:- A Casuality skill created by the King of Depravity to corrupt worlds in his years of conquest and debauchery

This skill is capable of corrupting anything and anyone as long as the said individual is in the direct contact with the user or if they are already infected with it

As it is a Casuality skill, a backlash or sideffect is to be expected depending on the difference in levels between the corruptor and the corrupted]

Like the system said time ago, the laws of Casuality will always affect everyone and Osker wasn't an exception

With every individual whose corruption is at 100% he would get 1% in return as a backlash as default usage of the skill and also depending on difference of levels between them. Higher the level of difference more them backlash he gets

Thankfully, after years of gaining points and adding to his stats the gap wasn't much but the difference in experience was not something few levels could cover

Ella was well over 500 years old and she has more experience in dealing with various powers. Now technically system could bridge that cause, system bullshit, but the system isn't omnipotent no matter what anyone says....Leo proved that long ago

Osker knew this hence the wait. He had infected her with a basic seed of corruption that would slowly eat away her 'mind' which includes the basic stuff; You know, personality corruption, brainwashing, mind break, moral degradation and all the other R18 tags you can imagine

But now, things were not looking good for him....


-Osker POV-

[Blooming Failed!]

I frowned while looking at the notification of the failed skill. Although I'm not much surprised seeing how powerful she is but still..

'Isn't this supposed to be easy if the target is unconscious?' I asked the system

[It is. But your target isn't exactly any run-off-the-mill Fallen, she was a former Throne before she fell]

'That explains it' I thought going through the information in my head

I was aware of ranking and all the other basic stuff after buying the information, didn't want to go in blind in whatever future held for me and little bit of knowledge never hurt anyone

If you're wondering why I didn't just ask for the knowledge of the 'plot' is because system only said one sentence [The players hiding in the shadows will be aware of you]

Now I may have not seen the rest of the series but the fan fic and other materials did point towards some ridiculously OP beings planning everything off screen.

Who knows if seeing the future will alert them or not, so no risks until I'm sure I can one-shot pretty much everyone

So back to the topic, Thrones. They are right below Cherubim who are below Seraphim.

It's basically and this is quite literally the description given by the system

[Seraphim = Super Devil - Satan Class {Transcendent (Fake)}

Cherubim = Satan - Peak Ultimate

Thrones = Ultimate - High ]

And it continues all the way to the scrubs of the species or supernatural world which are basically just normal being with no powers

Still have no idea why it has that (Fake) in front of Transcendent. Like how do you even become a fake Transcendent?

'Nevermind I'm getting sidetracked, back to it'

Looking at her and how easily I knocked her out, I couldn't help but ask 'Why is she so...weak?' I mean technically speaking she is Low High class or just a starter High level Fallen but I manged to beat her through pure physical strength which wasn't difficult seeing how most magic users are physically weak. She is just as strong as a Mid level being physically which isn't less but isn't exactly a lot either

And Thrones are easily at Ultimate Class levels so pretty weird how she is so nerfed

[She fell from grace]

I started at the screen for a few seconds but nothing happened. No further explanation

'That's it?'

[Host you have over 50 points in Intelligence, please don't act like a fool and use it]

'Really?' I deadpaned at the screen

I know well enough that it just wants me to grow but a little bit of help? Please?

No? Well, fuck it, let's ignore it and think about what I should do next

If what it meant is true than it would mean that Ella was a certified badass before but lost majority of her power but still has her strong points which includes her mind and soul

The skill I'm using is used to corrupt the targets minds and soul, basically rewriting it however I want

So it's understandable it fails if her mind and soul are stronger than mine, she is after all five centuries older than me and has more experience but the question is, what do I do now?

Her defenses are tough and I don't have enough time seeing her stirring awake

"Shit" I cursed and started increasing the power of the skill but....

[Bloom Failed!]

'Let's try again' This time I took a lot sneaker approach and started corroding her walls just enough to trigger the seed and yet

[Bloom Failed!]

"Mmmh?" She groaned a little with a frown

'Oh come on!' I panicked and tried to bulldoze my way through but didn't even make a dent

Time was running out. I could feel several energy signals pop up left and right and are searching for us

'Isn't this kill supposed to be super easy? How the hell am I even failing!? On a sleeping target at that!!'

[It is what the modern gamers say nowadays and I quote "Skill Issues tbh" end quote ]

My eye twitched reading it and was just about to close it before I felt another flare of aura close by and had no choice but to swallow all the grievances I had turn to last option

'Is there a way to make it bloom faster?' I asked the system already preparing to knock her out again

[Yes] Fucking knew it


[There is a way to forcefully complete the process but the backlash will increase depending on the resistance she offers] Which means a lot

'Okay that's doable but how much should I expect'


I waited anxiously sensing few other supernatural beings getting closer to the area

[10%] It answers just on time

Remember when I said the system store has everything in it?


[Water of Clarity:- Water extracted from the Tree of Clear Skies used to cure or supress negative alignments one has on their soul]

The only problem is-

[Price:- 9,129,791,064 LP]


Still have no idea why that many specific points but doesn't change the fact that it's expensive as fuck. Now it's not like I don't have any choice but I figured out few things a while back

For starters the system issued few quests over the years that didn't sit quite right me with and I know for a fact they will get downright morally disturbing down the road

Oh and Deryjack doesn't count cause still not really sure what the hell happened

So, I need this. To surpass the psychological restrain I've carried with me to this life

'Do it'

With my command a black flame manifests upon her covering her whole body. The show didn't last for long before it was absorbed in her body with a swirl

"Fuck!" I cried out suddenly feeling a burning sensation on my right hand just to a black crest in form a all too familiar heart with vines piercing was a fucking succubus crest

With it I also feel like a burden is lifted off from my shoulders and I feel fantastic. Some previous worries I had just evaporate into thin air.

'I' I mused feeling a little bit tipsy for absolutely no reason but the feeling is till there so something definitely changed

Just to confirm what, I took a look at the sleeping nun and the same crest formed right above her pants...well technically she is wearing a tight leotard but for some reason it was visible- wait not the topic I should dwell into

Looks like the process is completed, well if the crest wasn't a dead giveaway then the connection formed is surely telling it

I can feel my mind being linked to her via the crest and the things that I can do just makes all the mind controlling hentai pale in comparison '....oh how I'm tempted to just take her right here and now but got evidence of murder to clean and few bugs to kill-'

"Huh? Master?"

'-And a slave to train'

And so it begins

'Who the fuck said that!?' I quickly darted towards the source of the unknown voice that sounded suddenly and found a an unknown man sitting on a chair in the corner.

He has his one leg crossed over the other and was resting his head on his fist that was on the armrest while reading a book

Sensing my gaze he looked up and the moment he did, I felt the world dissappear into a eerie darkness

Ho? He looked at me with interest and went back to read his book and continued

Why the hell is 4th wall breaking getting so common these days?'

He sighed, closed the book and looked at me with calm eyes but even then I could spot a tinge of pity in them

I will clearly not enjoy what will happen next. Forget

"Wha-" Before I could begin I paused looking the wall strangely


I was brought out of my musing by Ella who was looking worriedly at me

"What's wrong?" She asked while holding my face and checking for any injuries

Honestly? It felt a bit weird seeing her behave like that with so much care but I got over it quickly, another advantage of corruption I guess

Next I reassured her everything was fine and then told her to clean the room before going out

While carrying the sleeping Irina I sensed several magic signatures running around the area and so did Ella

She turned towards me and asked "Your orders Master?"

'Looks like the brainwashing works far more perfectlythan I thought' I gave the system a mental thumbs up for the skill and gave her few orders

"Find out which faction they belong to, if they are some low level scrubs, kill them; if not then leave them along unless they try to stick their noses in our business"

And with that an almost chaotic incident came to an end with me completing the mission after two years! Fucking hell that took a lot time than expected

Then again blame the old me from 10 minutes ago for his cowardly approach. Now I can see how I could've completed this mission a lot sooner but again, morals. As if they helped anyone ever

Now I know how those protagonist just get "used to" every situation. They probably have something similar to this corruption that makes it easier for them to adapt to new world and now the shackles are finally gone. I can feel it

Life is gonna be far more enjoyable now !


-5 Years Later-

"Oh you've got to be shiting me" I muttered before slamming my head on the desk making my classmates look at me strangely

"Something wrong?" Asks Shiro, a friend of mine and neighbour (deskmate...kind of?)

I turned towards him with my head still on the desk "The day just got worse"

He gave me a look and just as he was about to ask why-


Someone knocked and I grimace as the teacher open it and letting the figure step through

"Students this is your new classmate" She pointed towards the girl and nodded "Go ahead"

The girl in question took a deep breath and continued with a smile

"Hello everyone. My name is Rias Gremory. A pleasure to meet you all"

For a few seconds no one spoke a word. It was as if someone has frozen time and knowing what was to come next, I covered my ears



The entire class except girls- wait some are shouting too...well, who am I to judge.

Anyways, the entire class erupts in cheers with few boys even letting out loud wolfish whistles

"Alright! Alright! Quite Down!" The teacher tried to silence them but


Everyone went quite after teacher slammed her hands on the desk, I can see cracks forming on it, damn she's strong for a normal human

"Now that I've got everyone's attention..." she paused watching every single one us as if to dare to interrupt her and continues "This is your new classmate, treat her well and if I hear anything about anyone trying to harass her, you will be dealing with me...Understand?"

The rest quickly nodded and she turns towards me

"Is that understood Osker-kun?"

"Hey! Why are you outing me specifically? I didn't even shout as much as Ishida !" I quickly pointed at the spikey blond haired boy who looked like a delinquent- oh wait he is one

"Oy!!" *Tak!*

He shouted only to be hit with a chalk with deadly accuracy and passed out

"..." The rest slowly turned towards teach who was still glaring at me

"We all know you are the trouble maker here, don't even try to deny it"

"Jeez fine~" I groaned and sat back down seeing the increasing tick marks her forehead, yeah she's gonna suck me dry later; looking forward to it actually

Only then did I take a good look at Rias Gremory and just as I expected


New Mission:- Destructo Husbando!

Mission Details:- In the last timeline, things did not end well. The Red Dragon Emperor turned into a joke and a insult to all dragons.

Rias Gremory had the potential to become much greater than any being that ever existed even the Dragon Gods, but was wasted due her laziness and later by pampering Issei

Frustrated by the results, few beings destroyed that timeline and have started their game from the beginning once again

Objective:- Make her stronger and more reliable than her original counterpart by either :-

A} Helping her out from the sidelines by either training her or becoming her enemy to stimulate her growth


B} Make her yours to alter her fate by whatever means you can

Duration:- 4 Years

Failure:- This timeline gets destroyed]

Reading the description and the Failure Penalty I only have one question

'Why the hell did things go from 0 to 100 that quick!? Atleast think of my fragile heart before you drop this kind of nuke!!' I complained to the system

[Good Luck!] It chimed with a cheerful tone and dissappears



I stopped mid curse and looked at Rias who was siting next to me, well next to my seat

To be honest, I hate her original version. Like the system said she had the most dangerous and powerful ability that could literally solve all problems but what dif she do? Waste it away and act like a spoiled princess....oh wait she actually was a princess but still I blame her brother for that

But anyways, "Hello to you too Gremory-San" Just because I hated her original counterpart doesn't mean I have to be rude asshole to this one

The personality issue aside, she is quite literally walking sex on legs and damn everyone wants to hit that so I'm no exception.

Well, that and the fact that my sister is part of his Harem in future, no way in hell he's gonna get his hands on her, so yeah...

Fuck that guy