Stolen Betrothed

Callis's eyelids fluttered open, the world spinning around her. 

Dizziness engulfed her head, and her body felt like a carriage had trampled it. Waves of nausea washed over her, threatening to overcome her composure. She fought the urge to vomit, willing herself to sit up despite the persistent ache coursing through her.

But her body betrayed her, and before she could react, the contents of her stomach surged upward, spilling out from her throat. The vile substance poured out, threatening to soil her attire. Acting swiftly, Kiev, at her side, stretched out a metal basin to catch the vomit, sparing her from further discomfort.

Meanwhile, Jessy sat behind the princess, her face etched with concern, as her hand gently rubbed Callis's back soothingly. Her aching expression mirrored the worry she felt for the princess.

"Let it all out, Callis. Empty your stomach. You'll feel better," Kiev advised, his voice laced with genuine concern.