A Heartfelt Confession

"My lady! My lady!" 

Rafe burst into the elegant parlour, his usually composed demeanour replaced by a palpable sense of panic. His footsteps echoed through the opulent room as he frantically searched for the princess. 

Meanwhile, Anna sat gracefully in an exquisite armchair, her delicate fingers manoeuvring the knitting needles as she focused intently on her current project.

The soft click-clack of the needles created a soothing rhythm that echoed through the tranquil parlour. The princess was now on her own as Rosalie had left to attend to another task assigned by the steward.

As Rafe's gaze fell upon the princess, he hurried towards her, his steps quick and urgent. His breath came in short, uneven gasps as he finally reached her side. With a quivering voice, he began, "My lady, please hear me!"

Attempting to ignore him, the princess feigned indifference, pretending he wasn't even there. But Rafe persisted. His voice was urgent.