Revealing To The Knights

[Half an hour before...]

The knights gathered in the lounge after their training session. Thanks to Maximillian's earlier scene, they had spent significant time at the stables, allowing Anna to accompany the warhorse changing the horsehoes instead of continuing the training.

By the time they left the stables, the sun was already high, nearing noon, so Eric announced that the training would resume tomorrow instead. Anna reluctantly had to agree.

Knowing the knights were taking their recess in the lounge, Rafe made his way there. On his way, he encountered Ayden, the assistant healer, coming from the opposite direction and heading towards the treatment room.

Rafe stopped Ayden and asked, "Where have you been? I didn't see you all morning."

The assistant healer smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he offered his excuse.