Discreet Intrusion

Eric clenched his jaw with frustration as he stormed out of the lavish lounge. His head swivelled frantically, searching the hallway for any sign of Noah, who had vanished from view.

Pausing their cleaning duties, the servants in the corridor straightened and bowed reverently at the approach of the second-in-command knight.

"Have you seen Sir Brooks?" Eric asked them urgently.

One of the servants quickly responded, "Oh, Sir Brooks went that way, Sir Navin," gesturing down the hallway.

"Thank you," Eric acknowledged, his resolve hardening as he thrust his steps forward, determined to follow Noah's trail.

He strode quickly down the hallway, his long legs eating up the distance. He made a turn at a corner with his strong moves and nearly ran into an old man.

With a startled cry, the old man lost his footing and tumbled to the ground, his shrill scream echoing through the hallway.