Chapter 110: "I'm always here, never change"

When the sun rises, and the first light of the sun enters the bedroom window illuminating the entire dark room. The sunlight shone on the bed, and revealed a very empty bed.

Waiting even longer for the sunlight to travel deeper. The sunlight shone on the cold floor, and finally managed to illuminate the target it was looking for.

A beautiful girl who was sleeping on the floor very innocently, her half-purple white hair spread everywhere, and around her, there were also many bottles of wine scattered everywhere.

Falling asleep with a small smile on her face, and holding two sizable bottles of wine in her arms. Thea smiled sweetly, as if she had a very good dream.

"Baba Homu... Thea... Hehehe..."

A very innocent smile, filled with happiness, appeared on her mature face.

Although this was all just an illusion, a dream created by the brain, and not real. However, it never hurts to dream for a while.


It was the pure joy of an adult that a child would never understand.

Why reject a very beautiful dream like this when in the real world it is so cruel?

The dream world is more beautiful~

"Thea, are you awake? It's already noon, it's time for lunch."


Hearing a knock on the door entered her eardrum. Thea opened her eyes lazily, and the dream balloon that she was enjoying at the moment, suddenly just burst.

"... Where am I?"

Tried to sit up with great difficulty. Thea immediately curled up, holding her head, and she whimpered very pitifully.

"Hngh... My head..."

Thea who was hit by the curse of hangover, held her head at this time with very dizzy, and she also currently felt that her stomach felt very nauseous.

She felt like throwing up.

"Thea, are you okay!?"

Heard a groan full of pain behind the door. Bianka raised her eyebrows, and she immediately became very worried.

"I'm going in!"

"NO, urghhh!!!"

Breaking down the door with all her strength, and immediately entered Thea's room very quickly. The intense smell of wine immediately entered Bianka's nose, and she pinched her nose tightly.

"What's this smell..."

Looked around in confusion. Bianka's gaze immediately focused on Thea who was currently surrounded by a large number of wine bottles.

Looking at this scene in front of her with a very incredulous look. Thea and Bianka's eyes met, and time between them seemed to have stopped.

Bianka: "...."

Thea: "...."

Bianka: "...."

Thea: "...Big sister.. can I explain?"

Bianka: "Say it quickly."

Hearing her big sister voice suddenly turned very cold. Thea held back her nausea, and she started making alibis.

"This was all accidental. Do you believe me?"

Bianka squinted sharply: "Do you believe what you said?"


Thea took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Bianka couldn't help but snort very coldly.

Do you think I'm a fool who is easily deceived? Drinking a glass of wine might be an accident. Drinking all the wine in the cabinet, this is purely looking for trouble!

This little sister, Thea, she deliberately drank wine, and was drunk during last night!

"Big sis, please stop! Please think about my future! Don't tell mom!!!"

"As your big sister, this is what I have to do! Let me, and mama get you back on the straight path!!!"

"Big sister Nooo!!!"


Rushed to Bianka, and tried to grab the communicator on her wrist. Thea was trying desperately to prevent Bianka from contacting Cecilia, and Bianka was also trying desperately to keep the communicator in her hands from being damaged.

"Thea get out of the way! You stink of wine so much! How many bottles have you drunk!?!"

"I don't drink!"

"You big liar! You've already been caught red-handed, and still want to dodge? Even though I don't know how you suddenly cleaned up all this mess in seconds, you can't fool my eyes! Tell big sister, why are you drinking wine!"

"I told you, I didn't do it on purpose! I was just fad!"

"Tell that to mama!!"

"Aaahhhhh!!!! Give it to me!!!"

Keep dodging Thea's claw attacks, and look at this little sister who looks like she's going to go crazy. Bianka who saw Thea who suddenly managed to grab her communicator somehow, took a deep breath, and she massaged her forehead dizzy.

"Thea, stop."

Hear her big sister firm voice. Thea's body froze, and she immediately stopped moving obediently.

"Go take a shower and wash your body until clean."


Lowered her head guiltily, and entered the bathroom gloomily. Thea took a bath as clean as possible to get rid of the remnants of the wine smell that still lingered on her body, and she also changed into clean clothes.

Come out of the locker room with a new look. Wearing a short skirt that exposed snow-white legs, and loose comfortable clothes exposed her curves. Even though she currently looked very fresh, the heart within her body was completely dead.

The last time she got a really big rebuke from Cecilia was when she accidentally hit a baseball so hard it broke the windows of their house.

Thea still remembers mama Cecilia angry expression that day.

Maybe after Cecilia found out that she was already drinking wine, Cecilia would go straight to Schicksal's base, and hit her ass until it turned red from being a brat.

Thinking of all these possibilities, Thea's face immediately turned very gloomy.

She felt like dying.

"Gosh... how could all this happen... you are thirteen... do you understand?" Bianka also didn't know what else to do.

Sitting on the couch, and watching her little sister lower her head guiltily. Bianka immediately gave her a piece of advice.

"Thea, I know that you are under a lot of pressure right now. But you shouldn't be like this. Moreover, drinking wine relieves stress. This is not good for your health at all. Never learn this from Siegfried."


Hear Bianka's gentle lecture, which gave her a few words of motivation, and was full of moral support to get her back on the straight path. Thea just nodded her head, like an obedient child.

"I won't tell mama for now. But, if you are caught drinking wine one more time, then before mama arrives, then I will immediately educate you on the spot for being a naughty child." Bianka clenched her right fist tightly.

Thea nodded her head quickly like a chicken: "Hm! Hm! This little sister of yours understands! Thank you big sis, you are my angel!!!"

Seeing Thea who was rushing towards her, and hugging her thighs tightly. Bianka who saw Thea rubbing her face against her thigh like an obedient kitten, couldn't help but blush a little.

Bianka suddenly coughed loudly to hide her embarrassment.

Her little sister usually suddenly becomes very cute which makes her often caught red-handed.

"Thea, why do I feel like you are a little different today?"

"Different? Like what?"

Looking at Thea's innocent face, and thinking about the answer carefully. Bianka could only smile helplessly.

"How should I put it... You feel more alive? You don't seem to be holding back your emotions anymore. Exactly what happened?"

"Really? Hehehe... Maybe it's all the effects of the wine."

Thea smiled goofily.

The wine makes her drunk, and when she gets drunk, she manages to meet her past self, and is at peace with herself.

Now, she didn't need to deny herself because of the sudden change in her personality.

She grew up, because she herself wanted it.

This, is what I want.

This is me.

And Thea, will still be Thea.

Because the two of them were originally the same person.

She hasn't changed a bit.