Chapter 28 — Crisis

This was something that Chi Zhengzheng was slightly worried about.

Although Wen Yu was very powerful, as the dominant male lead of the original novel, he would certainly not lose to a nameless small character.

But although the big boss's business empire has risen, the road to dominance had just begun, there would inevitably be some characters who were temporarily more powerful than him.

Chi Zhengzheng knew that he could clean up the Wen family, but she wasn't whether the Liu family or Yu Ding was more powerful?

There was no such thing in the memory of the original owner, and Chi Zhengzheng herself knew nothing about business matters.

However, even the Wen family wanted Wen Sisi and Liu Yuxiang to marry, the Liu family would also be very powerful, right?

Thinking of this, she looked up, her eyes worried.

When Wen Yu heard Liu Yuxiang's name, hostility flashed in his eyes for a moment, but when he met Chi Zhengzheng's worried eyes, his eyebrows relaxed and the darkness in his eyes dispersed.

He looked at her and his voice was soft: "It's okay, don't worry."

Wen Yu would not tell Chi Zhengzheng, now it wasn't him who should be worried, but the Liu family!

When he thought of Liu Yuxiang, who wanted to marry Chi Zhengzheng, Wen Yu slightly lowered his head, his eyes obscure.

-Liu Yuxiang, could no longer appear in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

-He was very unhappy.

After the meal, Wen Yu went to the company.

He said he had something to take care of, but he really had something to take care of, otherwise, Wen Yu actually didn't really want to go to the company today.

-He would prefer to stay at home with Chi Zhengzheng, even if he didn't say anything, it was good to just stay in the same room.

"Mr. Wen." Secretary Ning was already on duty, holding the documents.

As a chief secretary of a big company whose boss didn't come often if it weren't for the long string of zeros behind the salary, even a tough person like Secretary Ning would probably not want to do it anymore.

Wen Yu nodded, sat down in his place, and stretched out his hand to take the file: "I sent you a message last night to check something, did you find it?"

"Yes, the entire situation of the Liu family, it's all here."

The Liu family had been making waves for so many years, but they have finally kicked the iron plate.

Chi Zhengzheng was working at home.

She was good at English in her previous life, and although the original owner wasn't very capable, she was fluent in English and German and also had a certificate.

Chi Zhengzheng couldn't directly inherit the original owner's ability to speak German, but she found out that when she was starting to learn German, it was very easy. She remembered it almost after reading it a few times as if it was in her memory.

This made her very happy.

So, she took a job as an English translator and spent the morning time translating to earn money, and spent the whole afternoon reading German books and learning German, so that she could also take jobs as a German translator in the future.

She still had the books she had bought and had to take time to read them in the evening.

However, Wen Yu was at home in the afternoon, so should she take the time to go out… to fall in love?

Well, could it be considered a romantic relationship?

After all, last night Wen Yu also reached out and took her into his arms…

Ah, thinking of this, Chi Zhengzheng covered her face and her ears began to turn red again.

She patted her cheeks, not allowing herself to think about it, and began to work with her head down.

Auntie Wang had made lunch, and Wen Yu had just returned.

"Zhengzheng, it's time to eat!" Auntie Wang shouted.


Chi Zhengzheng put away the materials on the table, straightened her clothes, and hurried downstairs.

Downstairs, Wen Yu loosened his tie and threw his suit jacket casually on the sofa.

As soon as he raised his gaze, he met Chi Zhengzheng's eyes who was going downstairs, and they looked at each other.

She wore the dress Wen Yu gave her today, it was a long suspender dress, a little floral, she also wore a thin knitted shirt over it. This kind of close-fitting clothes showed all her right-angled shoulders and clavicle, with a sense of elegance, which was extremely beautiful.

Probably for home comfort, her thick hair was casually scattered behind the shoulders, and the broken hair on her forehead was just pinned behind her ears, making her head look more fair and petite.

Wen Yu probably didn't have that nerves by nature in the past, so he never thought that any woman was good-looking.

Only Chi Zhengzheng made him feel unable to move his gaze.

On the stairs, Chi Zhengzheng also paused.


Wen Yu wearing a white shirt, one hand casually loosening his tie look, was too seductive!

How could he look so good! And so provocative!

Being born like this should be illegal!

The two looked at each other, each staring straight at each other. For a moment, Chi Zhengzheng's flushed ears moved, she lowered her head, and slowly went downstairs, her heartbeat out of control.

Wen Yu was also a little uncomfortable, he coughed, looked at Chi Zhengzheng said: "Are you cold? You seem to be dressed a little thin."

"No, it's not cold." Chi Zhengzheng said, but she felt embarrassed and added, "Since we're not going out this afternoon, do you want to change into something more comfortable?"

"Okay." The corners of Wen Yu's mouth rose slightly, and the smile in his eyes became even stronger.

He obediently went up and changed into casual clothes and soon came back downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng sat at the table waiting for him and didn't start.

"Next time, you eat first, don't wait for me." Wen Yu said.

"Okay…" Chi Zhengzheng responded, the smile at the corner of her mouth becoming more and more obvious.

She smiled, Wen Yu also smiled.

They still ate separately, but she didn't know when, Wen Yu started putting vegetables into her bowl, with worry in his voice: "Eat more, you are too thin."

He looked at her collarbone, and then looked at her small palm-sized face, thinking in his heart, he had to tell Auntie Wang to cook better food for her to eat.

No, he was alone before, and he didn't mind Auntie Wang's cooking, but now that Chi Zhengzheng was living in his house, it was better to hire a good professional cook to come and fatten her up…

The thought of Chi Zhengzheng being fattened up by him raised satisfaction in Wen Yu's eyes.

"Oh, good, you also eat." Chi Zhengzheng ate the dishes he gave, dropping her eyes and hiding her reddened face.


Wen Yu put vegetables, she ate, Wen Yu put vegetables, she ate, Wen Yu put vegetables again.

Chi Zhengzheng: "That's enough, I'm full."

Wen Yu frowned: "You only eat this much?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "… Then I'll eat some more." She could eat more, but she was a girl. Girls always wanted to look like they had a little appetite in front of the opposite sex who they cared about.

Wen Yu was satisfied and his frowning brow loosened.

"You want to use the study this afternoon, right? Then I'll go and…"

Chi Zhengzheng's words had not yet finished, Wen Yu softly said: "It's okay, the study is large, let's go together."


The corners of Chi Zhengzheng's mouth lifted.

After eating lunch, the two of them went to the study together.

The study room was indeed very large, and there are many, many books. There are all kinds of books on the huge shelves, as well as financial newspapers, magazines and so on.

But there was only one desk.

When Wen Yu was not at home, Chi Zhengzheng occupied his original seat in the study, now Wen Yu also came in, Chi Zhengzheng wanted to give him his seat.

"No, you sit there, I'll sit here." He said, he sat at the side.

Chi Zhengzheng opened her mouth but she saw that Wen Yu had already opened the computer he carried with him, so she also sat down.

The translation she did in the morning was almost done. Chi Zhengzheng finished the translation work first and then submitted the order online.

She moved her neck and her eyes "accidentally" looked at Wen Yu next to her, who was looking at the computer intently, expressionless, but with eyes full of sharpness.

The cold face was extremely good-looking, so good-looking she couldn't take her eyes off.

She looked at him for a while before she came back to her senses, her ears became hot, she quickly retracted her gaze, took out her German book, and prepared to start learning German.

She didn't notice that after she moved her eyes away, next to her, the corner of Wen Yu's mouth lifted.

Although the original owner's foundation made it easy for Chi Zhengzheng to learn, it was a new language and it took a lot of effort, so she copied it while looking it up online.

When she encountered a place she didn't understand, she bit her pen and frowned, fell into thought.

"This place is…" Next to her, Wen Yu suddenly spoke and slowly explained to her.

Only when he finished, did Chi Zhengzheng freeze and said: "You know German?"

"Mm, I know." Wen Yu nodded his head, picked up a pen, and gently tapped her head, his voice smiling: "Did you remember?"

"No…" She was too surprised.

Wen Yu showed a helpless expression, but he was not impatient, once again, he carefully explained it to her.

This time Chi Zhengzheng listened and suddenly understood.

When she looked at Wen Yu again, her eyes were like two little stars, twinkling and twinkling, so bright.

-As expected of the male god! He knows everything!

Wen Yu was also a little hot at the roots of his ears when he was looked at by her like this.

He thought, maybe it was red.

Fortunately, Chi Zhengzheng was taking notes and didn't notice, so Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

So, in the next few days, Chi Zhengzheng studied German and Wen Yu worked in the office.

When Chi Zhengzheng encountered something she didn't understand, she bit her pencil and looked at Wen Yu, she didn't say anything, just blinking her big eyes.

He immediately looked over, picked up the pen, and explained it to her in detail.

The two of them, one with a bright smile at the corner of her mouth and the other with soft and pampering eyes.

Inside the study, it was extremely cozy.

It was like this for several days.

During these few days, Chi Zhengzheng earned a little money by translating and made a lot of progress in learning German.

It's just that because the translation work was more difficult and there are too many special terms, she had to continue learning.

During these few days, there were limited changes to Chi Zhengzheng.

But these few days have been the biggest storm ever for the Liu family.

Before Liu Yuxiang's dad, Liu Haifeng could help his son figure out how to get his fiancée, the Liu family was blindsided by one blow after another.


The cup smashed on the ground, shattered porcelain pieces all over the floor.

"What the hell is going on?!" Liu Haifeng clutched his chest, sorrowful and hateful.

"Big brother, we don't know, the evidence about the old man's bad health was sent to our competitors. Now that the old man had stepped down, our family is over, ah!"

"The stock market is in turmoil, there is an unknown source of capital intervening, and now our stock prices are falling again and again."

"Those people saw the old man step down, and now that the stock market has fallen, they all came up and stepped on us like crazy. Wasn't that the case when they were currying our favor?!"

"What's the point of talking about this now? The most important thing is to see how much can be preserved, big brother, what do we do?"

"Yes, big brother quickly think of a solution."


Everyone looked at Liu Haifeng, a pair of eyes, and how many are thinking of taking advantage of the opportunity to get a little in their pockets, so as not to end up with the Liu family?

After the old man's black material was sent to the hands of his opponents, he suddenly stepped down. (old man=the elder, most powerful from the Liu family)

The stock market was already unstable, and now some people are taking action, causing it to fall again and again, and none of the people they turned to for help were willing to help, instead, they bit hard towards the Liu family!

"Check! Hurry up to investigate! Find out who is doing it!!!" Liu Haifeng spat out these words with difficulty.

After the others left, Fan Zhen took out the antihypertensive medicine and poured a cup of water to feed Liu Haifeng.

"What do we do? Who the hell is attacking us? The person who made the move must also have something to lose, I can't figure out why they would want to attack us?" Fan Zhen's face was full of sorrow, and the bottom of her eyes was bloodshot.

Liu Haifeng took the medicine and didn't speak.

One after another, one after another, one bad news after another, it was really overwhelming for him.

"Isn't it the Chi family and the Wen family? There was some nastiness two days ago because of Yuxiang." Fan Zhen asked.

"No, they aren't that capable yet." Liu Haifeng opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse.

At this time, the phone rang.

Liu Haifeng slightly trembled, these days, every time the phone rang, it was bound to be some bad news, he didn't dare to look.

Fan Zhen looked at it and sighed with relief: "It's our son."

She hurriedly picked it up and picked up the phone.

At the other end, Liu Yuxiang, who was still in the hospital, obviously didn't know what had happened to his family in the past few days. As soon as the phone was connected, he said, "Mom, you haven't come to see me in the past two days!"

"Mom has something to do, you behave in the hospital…" Fan Zhen spoiled her son and didn't tell him about the family.

Liu Yuxiang also apparently didn't care that she had business to take care of, he just said –

"Mom and Dad, didn't you guys say you'd think of something for me? How did it turn out? Is Chi Zhengzheng is my fiancée now? Hurry up and let her come to the hospital to take care of me. My hands will get better when I look at her, because of her I got beaten like this, the more I think about it, the angrier I get now. Why hasn't Wen Yu come to apologize, isn't it…"

"You shut up!!!" Liu Haifeng burst out in anger.

The family had suffered so much, and Liu Yuxiang was still thinking about Chi Zhengzheng, thinking about making Wen Yu apologize to him!

"Dad?" Liu Yuxiang was stunned and a little confused.

"The Chi family will not let Chi Zhengzheng be your fiancée, Wen Yu also will not go to apologize, don't even think about it! Our Liu family is unlucky, you behave properly in the hospital!" After saying that, Liu Haifeng hung up the phone and directly smashed the phone.

In the past two days, he had smashed several cell phones.

His chest rose and fell violently, angry and furious.

Fan Zhen's eyes reddened and muttered, "What are you throwing a tantrum towards your son, he's still recovering from his injuries, knowing what happened at home, his injuries won't heal, what can he do…"

"You just spoil him! In the future, if the Liu family was to fall, see what he can do!" Liu Haifeng said angrily, patting his chest, almost speechless.

Fan Zhen didn't speak, and only after a while did she ask with a sobbing voice: "Haifeng, can we… still protect the Liu family?"

Can we protect it?

Liu Haifeng was also silent for a while before he said with a hoarse voice: "First find out who attacked, as long as the other party withdraws, the Liu family can still be saved."

A large family's fall wasn't usually this fast, the other side was too attacking too fast and being too ruthless, they first attacked the old man, and then made the old man step down, and then immediately attacked their company.

The other party's actions have caused many of the enemies of the Liu family to move, which had led to the Liu family to be now in a crisis.

The Liu family poured all their efforts into investigating the person who made the move, and soon, the Liu family got the news.

In fact, the other side did not hide, they let them investigate to their heart's content.

As soon as they found out the news, the other side said they wanted to see Liu Haifeng.

At this moment, Liu Haifeng was standing at the door of Yu Ding, looking up at the building, with an obscure and indistinguishable expression on his face.

"Mr. Liu, our boss is waiting for you." Special Assistant Gao's face was expressionless and said indifferently.

Liu Haifeng, who had aged ten years, was helped by his assistant. It took a long time for Liu Haifeng to take a long breath, suppress his anger, and speak—

"Lead the way."