Chapter 29 — For a beauty

Of course, Liu Haifeng knew Yu Ding.

With the unexpected rise of a huge monster, the discerning could see its terrifying potential.

The Liu family once wanted to befriend Yu Ding, but the boss of Yu Ding was too mysterious. The whole culture of Yu Ding was business-oriented and strictly managed. Although the boss didn't make an appearance, the cooperative partners didn't suffer losses, there were no negative responses from their partners, rather, the reputation was very good.

Liu Haifeng didn't expect that the sudden attack on them was actually caused by Yu Ding!

Yu Ding's move caused him to lose a lot of money, kind of effort, this situation, enough to say that Yu Ding –

Wanted to clean up the Liu family.

Liu Haifeng just didn't understand, how did they end up offending Yu Ding?

Soon, he walked into Yu Ding's front door.

He was led by special assistant Gao, from the hidden special elevator directly to the top floor, the assistant didn't follow, the special assistant wasn't allowed to follow.

Liu Haifeng agreed without much thought.

He came here to seek peace, how dare he upset Yu Ding?

Yu Ding's mysterious boss obviously stayed on the top floor, he followed special assistant Gao to the office at the end of the top floor.

"Knock, knock, knock." The assistant knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ice-cold taciturn voice.

Liu Haifeng paused slightly, this voice… was so young.

Special assistant Gao opened the door, Liu Haifeng raised his eyes and saw the man sitting on the chair clearly.

At that instant, he froze in place, as if he had been hit on the head with a stick.

Wen Yu!

It was Wen Yu!

As the culprit who beat his son, how could Liu Haifeng not know what Wen Yu looked like?

Wen Jingsen also called him before to say that Wen Yu hadn't returned for several days, and said that they would find Wen Yu as soon as possible, so he shouldn't be angry.

At that time, Liu Haifeng was a little angry when he heard that, but on that same day, the Liu family started to have trouble.

When one thing happened after the other, Liu Haifeng couldn't care less about an apology.

Wen Jingsen didn't mention the matter of taking Wen Yu going to apologize, obviously because of the problems of the Liu family, he didn't bother to look for Wen Yu again.

When he called for help, the other party was also an "Oh, I can't help" "Brother, I would like to help you, but I can't help" kind of perfunctory attitude…

His face changed too quickly compared to before.

Liu Haifeng wasn't happy with the Wen family, but how he didn't expect the infamous member of the Wen family, the extra from the Wen family, to be sitting in the boss of Yu Ding's office!

That mysterious boss of Yu Ding, was actually the person from the Wen family who people ignored, the eldest young master Wen Yu!

The opponent was expressionless. When he saw him come in, he threw the pen on the table, knocked on the table with his hand, glanced at him with sharp eyes, and then slowly said, "Sit down."

Liu Haifeng couldn't remember if he had seen Wen Yu before, if he had, it was too inconspicuous, he didn't remember it in his heart, he only remembered Wen Yiran of the Wen family.

But today, looking at the cold man sitting on the office chair, Liu Haifeng actually began to doubt –

How on Earth was he blind to find Wen Yu inconspicuous in the first place?

He was clearly so amazing that people couldn't ignore it!

There was still a chair in front of the desk, and the assistant had already gone out and left through the door.

Liu Haifeng stiffened and slowly walked over and sat down on the chair.

It was a while before he spoke in a hoarse voice: "Wen Yu, you really are a dark horse…"

"Thank you." Wen Yu's attitude was indifferent, and there was no emotion in his eyes when he looked at him.

As if this Liu Haifeng, who he was suppressing, was actually not taken to heart by him, and he didn't care at all.

Regardless of the shock in his heart, the priority was the future of the Liu family.

Liu Haifeng sorted out his emotions, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "Wen Yu, your father and I are old friends, and Yuxiang and your sister Sisi are also discussing the engagement. Our two families are friends in the business world, the Liu family and the Wen family, these two families, there are no grudges…"

Wen Yu still looked indifferent, when Liu Haifeng mentioned "the Wen family", his eyes showed disgust, his voice was ice-cold: "The Wen family is the Wen family, I am me."

Therefore, he didn't care about the relationship between the Liu family and the Wen family, and Wen Yu had nothing to do with the Wen family.

Liu Haifeng was taken aback, he opened his mouth, and added: "You make things difficult for our Liu family, is it because my son was rude to Chi Zhengzheng… the eldest miss from the Chi family?"

When he asked this, he felt it was unbelievable.

Wen Yu looked him in the eye, with a pair of cold eyes, as sharp as a blade knife: "Chi Zhengzheng is my fiancée, no one can touch her, not even by a hair."

The dragon still had inverse scales. Wen Yu still didn't quite understand what Chi Zhengzheng meant to him, but he was also very unhappy with anything that made her unhappy.


Liu Haifeng was full of shock, in this world, was there really a businessman who would clash for a beauty?

After reacting, he immediately said, "I'll immediately let Yuxiang apologize to Miss Chi, I promise, he will never be rude to Miss Chi again!"

Wen Yu looked at him, his eyes sharper: "I want Liu Yuxiang to never appear in front of Chi Zhengzheng again."

What he wanted more than Liu Yuxiang's face-to-face apology was – to get Liu Yuxiang out of Chi Zhengzheng's sight.

From then on, the Liu Yuxiang who blocked Chi Zhengzheng and shouted that he wanted to marry her, the Liu Yuxiang who made her worry about whether he would come for revenge, would not appear in front of her again, and would not bring out bad memories.

"Okay, I understand, I will not let Yuxiang appear in front of Chi Zhengzheng." Liu Haifeng agreed without hesitation.

"No, you don't understand." Wen Yu said suddenly.

Dad Liu was taken aback, his eyes blank.

Wen Yu looked at him, and said word by word: "I meant, Liu Yuxiang, can go abroad and stay there."

Go abroad?

Dad Liu's anger rushed to the top of his head in an instant.

He stood up angrily and looked at Wen Yu: "Wen Yu, I only have this one son! What about our Liu family if he goes abroad and never comes back? Who will inherit my family business in the future?!"

He always said Fan Zhen spoiled his son, in fact, he was the same.

Wen Yu raised his eyebrows and said nothing, he just picked up the phone and called out. "Continue shorting Liu's stock, make sure they – lose everything."

"I promise! I promise!"

After saying that, Liu Haifeng sat down gloomily in his chair as if he had aged.

Wen Yu rang the bell.

Special Assistant Gao quickly pushed open the door.

Wen Yu: "See the guest out."

As a result, Liu Haifeng's negotiation visit ended in a very short time.

All the negotiation methods and all the promises of benefits that had been thought out on the way here were useless.

Wen Yu didn't even listen to what he had to say, he only had one purpose – to make Liu Yuxiang no longer appear in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

The Liu family had no choice at all, they could only agree to go on this path!

After the Liu family agreed, Wen Yu didn't need to continue to invest funds to kill the Liu family. He stopped. If the Liu family wanted to live, they had to take Wen Yu's offer.

Wen Yu stirred up the wind and rain at the Liu's family for a few days, causing only one-third of Liu's family to be left, but he was able to get out and go back without losing a penny…

How terrifying.

When he was leaving, Liu Haifeng looked back at Wen Yu.

He was already handling business, the pair of sharp eyes, calm and clear.

Wen Yu was only twenty-six and was only two years older than his son Liu Yuxiang.

But one was the boss behind the Yu Ding, who could easily decide the life and death of the Liu family, and the other one only relied on his parents' pampering, asking for this and that.

Liu Haifeng suddenly thought.

Liu Yuxiang being sent abroad was actually not much, as long as the Liu family still had capital, he could still live a good life.

He has only one son, but he can have another son, and the second son, he must no longer follow the previous way of educating, no longer think about leaving wealth for him to fend, but teach him how to create wealth.

Even if the Liu family fell again in the future, as they could still get up again as long as the people were still there

He didn't want to be better than Wen Yu, who created Yu Ding, as long as… he was one-tenth of him was enough.

After walking out of Yu Ding.

Liu Haifeng took out his cell phone with shaking hands and called Wen Jingsen.

The phone rang for a long time before Wen Jingsen answered the phone, his voice showed impatience: "Brother Liu ah, what's wrong?"

"Jingsen, we have so many years of friendship, how did you…"

"No matter how many years of friendship, I can't help. I heard that it was Yu Ding who made the move? Yu Ding has always been low-key and powerful, and our Wen family can't help!" Wen Jingsen's voice was a little mocking.

Liu Haifeng was taken aback, and then said: "You don't know?"

"What?" Wen Jingsen asked him, "I don't know what?"

"Nothing." Liu Haifeng smiled. "My son was indeed not worthy of your family's Sisi. My Liu family is struggling now, and it's no longer comparable to your Wen family. We will no longer deal with each other in the future. Good luck."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Wen Jingsen didn't know that Wen Yu was the boss of Yu Ding?

Liu Haifeng suddenly thought of the Wen family's attitude towards Wen Yu, as well as some rumors that had been going around…

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

Wen Yu was so terrifying, but not a single bit of it was let known to the Wen family.

Wasn't it so obvious that it didn't need to be explained?

Wen Yu was a vengeful person!

He was in dire straits, Wen Jingsen couldn't even look at him.

He just had to watch coldly from the sidelines, and before long, Wen Yu would make Wen Jingsen countless times worse than him!

And the Wen family, apparently still didn't know anything.

The Wen family.

Wen Jingsen hung up the phone.

Wen Yiran was dealing with official business next to him and looked at him, "What's wrong? Is Uncle Liu looking for our help again?"

"It seems to be, but again, he started babbling." Wen Jingsen frowned and didn't take it to heart. "He's probably upset because I'm not helping him, huh, how could I help him?"

Wen Yiran also did not take it to heart, but only sneered: "The other day he was still very proud of it, wasn't he? His son was so proud to want Chi Zhengzheng to be his fiancée…"

"Fortunately, we haven't gotten engaged to them yet, otherwise we would be tied together. Even if we could ignore the marriage contract, we wouldn't have a good reputation." Wen Jingsen looked grateful.

Thankful Liu Yuxiang looked at Chi Zhengzheng, Wen Yu hitting him could also be considered accidentally being a good thing, otherwise, they might have released Wen Yiran and Wen Sisi's marriage contract with the Liu family!

Fortunately, fortunately.

Wen Yiran sarcastically said. "He deserves it. The toad wants to eat swan meat." (T/N: to try to punch above one's weight = to get involved in an activity that requires more power/money than it seems to have)

The swan meat… He didn't know which one he referred to.

Wen Jingsen looked at him and frowned slightly: "Yiran, you seem to be paying a little attention to Chi Zhengzheng recently?"

Wen Yiran stiffened, the movement of his hands stopped, and only after a long time did he say: "It's nothing…"

"You wanted to marry An Qinru before, but I haven't heard you make any more trouble in the past two days."

Wen Yiran's hand movements continued, and he replied, "Didn't you disagree?"

He didn't know when he began to have the urgent desire to marry An Qinru before.

The reason he wanted to marry An Qinru was that his previous fiancée was Chi Zhengzheng, after they broke off their marriage, he was strangely not so anxious.

Even if An Qinru hinted at it from time to time, he didn't say any words about marrying her immediately to coax her…