Chapter 41 — Warmth


The corners of Wen Yu's mouth lifted slightly.

Chi Zhengzheng's face turned red in an instant, her ears also turned red, her eyes blinked, and she looked away, not daring to look at him.

The female doctor on the side couldn't help but laugh, seeing the two god-like man and woman being ambiguous in front of her, she couldn't control her aunt-like laugh.

But even if they looked ugly, she would most like wail just because of the look in their eyes.

Because of the sound of "Mom and Dad", Chi Zhengzheng didn't dare to look at Wen Yu until he came out of the pet hospital. She avoided Wen Yu and only secretly looked at him through her peripheral vision.

After facing him for a while, she immediately looked away in a panic.

F*ck, so embarrassed.

Chi Zhengzheng touched her ears, which were burning.

Wen Yu also blushed a little, but seeing Chi Zhengzheng's reaction, he couldn't get the corners of his mouth down, and he kept staring at her with warmth in his eyes.

When Liuzhu went in, it was still a little dirty, but when it came out, it was clean, its fur was fluffy, its paws were clean, and there was no dirt at all.

Chi Zhengzheng could finally hold it completely in her arms.

Wen Yu was carrying the things they bought for Liuzhu in his hand, and first pulled open the passenger door for Chi Zhengzheng. After she got in, he put the things in the trunk and got into the driver's seat.

He wasn't in a hurry to drive, he glanced at Chi Zhengzheng, who was still lowering her head and touching Liuzhu, but never looking at him.

Wen Yu laughed, with a deep smile in his voice: "Still not looking at me?"

Chi Zhengzheng's ears, which had cooled down, turned red all of a sudden again with a "swish". She was almost convinced of herself. Why did she love to blush and turn her ears red?!

Her eyelashes trembled, she looked up quickly, glanced at Wen Yu, and then lowered her head down with a "swish".

With such a blushing expression, Wen Yu suddenly tightened, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, before speaking in a hoarse voice: "Chi Zhengzheng."

"Ah?" Chi Zhengzheng answered without looking up.

Wen Yu: "You…" Could you stop being so cute?

"What? "Chi Zhengzheng finally looked up at him, and the temperature of his cheeks and ears faded slightly.

What is the big guy going to say?

Wen Yu: "Hold your son, I'm going to drive."

"Brush," Chi Zhengzheng's face, which had just cooled down, instantly turned red again.

What son ah, then is not they are ... mom and dad?

Wen Yu has been watching her, see this, the corner of the mouth upward arc more and more obvious.

Wen Yu: "Hold your son, I'm going to drive."

"Swish" Chi Zhengzheng's face, which had just cooled down, suddenly turned red again.

What son ah, did it mean that they were its… Mom and Dad?

Wen Yu kept looking at her, and when he saw this, the arc of the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious.

He thought that he was being mean.

Otherwise, he wouldn't like to make Chi Zhengzheng blush so much.

Starting the car, he looked at Chi Zhengzheng who had her head low and not daring to look at him.

Mmm, although he was mean, this feeling was quite good.

Raising a dog at home was a very easy task for Chi Zhengzheng. Every day, pet trainers would come to train him to let him know how to go to the toilet, how to love cleanliness and listen to some simple instructions.

Auntie Wang was responsible for taking care of what Liuzhu eats and its hygiene issues, and she was only responsible for playing with Liuzhu and taking Liuzhu out for a walk.

Liuzhu was very attached to Chi Zhengzheng and followed her wherever she went.

He wagged its tail, never barked at her, and only "whimpered" when he was pampered, and obviously compared to Wen Yu, in this family, he preferred Chi Zhengzheng.

The next best thing was Wen Yu.

Mm, this made Chi Zhengzheng secretly somewhat happy.

But Wen Yu didn't seem to care. He had been a little busy recently and had to go to the company every day, which caused Chi Zhengzheng to spend more time with Liuzhu.

For example, now, Chi Zhengzheng took a job translating German translation, Liuzhu was next to her feet, nibbling on her trouser leg and pulling.

Chi Zhengzheng lowered her head: "Liuzhu, you go play by yourself for a while, and I will go out for a walk with you when I'm done. "

Liuzhu: "Woo woo~"

"Stop acting spoiled, wait a little longer."

"Ao woo…"

Seeing that he couldn't go out, he didn't want to go out to play, so he got down at her feet, and leaned his head against her ankle.

The corner of Chi Zhengzheng's mouth lifted.

Soon, when she was done, stood up: "Let's go, Liuzhu, let's go out and play."

Liuzhu stood up at once, and immediately wagged his tail.

Chi Zhengzheng smiled at the corner of her mouth.

She thought that it would be nice if Wen Yu was at home so that they could go out and play together.

Unfortunately, Wen Yu was too busy lately.

Wen Yu was indeed very busy.

With so many things going on in such a big company, it was not always possible to work from home.

"…It increased by 35%, which was 14% higher than the expected 21%." The manager under him reported.

Wen Yu flipped through the report, nodded for a while, and said: "Very good."

The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face relaxed a little.

Wen Yu signed the report and handed it to him: "Go and get busy."

"Okay, boss." That manager reached out to take the report and walked out quietly..

After the office door was closed, his footsteps suddenly accelerated and he quickly disappeared from this floor.

Wen Yu glanced out the window and thought of someone, his cold face softened a little, and his eyes became gentle.

What was she doing?

Was she in the living room and playing with Liuzhu?

Or was she still busy translating in the study?

"Buzz." His phone vibrated.

Wen Yu looked at it, and his eyebrows furrowed together for a moment.

He didn't want to pick it up, so he didn't know what to think of, he raised his eyebrows, and picked up the phone again and answered it.

As soon as it was connected, the angry voice rang –

"Wen Yu, you still know how to answer the phone?!"

It was Wen Jingsen.

Wen Yu sneered, but his voice was faint: "What's wrong?"

"I'm asking you, was it you who hit your brother in the face?" Wen Jingsen interrogated.

Wen Yu's eyes got even colder.

It had been two days since Wen Yiran was beaten, and apparently, the other party probably didn't want to explain why he was beaten, so he didn't tell Wen Jingsen.

And now, he didn't know how to find out, so he called and asked.

Wen Yu didn't say anything.

Wen Jingsen continued on the other end: "You're Yiran's biological brother, can't you get along with Yiran? You don't come home day after day, you don't answer your phone, you can't be seen, and when your brother finally sees you, you hit your brother?"

Wen Yu tapped his fingertips on the desk, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, his smile was mocking.

He didn't hang up the phone, Wen Jingsen knew that he had beaten Wen Yiran. At this moment, he didn't even yell, and he still had the leisure to talk so much nonsense with him. There must be other purposes.

He wanted to hear it, what he was playing at again.

Sure enough, Wen Jingsen quickly calmed down a bit and said with persuasion: "A Yu, your brother will take care of the company in the future, but Dad can't completely ignore you, so I will certainly give you some shares. If your brother and the Wen family do well, then you'll also do well, you don't need to always fight against your brother."



When he was in school he didn't care about his food and drink and he let him starve when he was a child. Would such a father give him shares and let him eat from the Wen family for the rest of his life?

Even if he was willing to give it to him, he didn't want it.

The things from the Wen family, it was better to destroy it all.

"So what?" Wen Yu's patience was about to run out.

Wen Jingsen paused and said: "Don't you have a good relationship with Zheng Ye from the Zheng family? There are some parts of our family's project that need cooperation with the Zheng family. The Zheng family said that they would consider it. Please ask Zheng Ye for help."

The so-called lend a hand asking, if Zheng Ye followed the Zheng family's path, if the Zheng family agreed to cooperate, it was best to give them more benefits.

"What else?" Wen Yu asked.

He put the phone on the table, went to pour a glass of water, drank while walking back, and sat down.

He didn't pick up the phone, his eyes looked out the window, then put down the cup, and picked up the phone again.

The voice of Wen Jing Sen at the other end hadn't stopped yet: "… It's a good thing, this is also the biggest sincerity that the Wen family could come up with. Do you remember what I just said? Just tell Zheng Ye that when the time comes."

"Then what?" Wen Yu said indifferently.

Wen Jingsen: "That's the case with the Zheng family. There is one more thing. You and Chi Zhengzheng have lived outside for so long, and your feelings should have been cultivated. Isn't she the eldest lady of the Chi family? What's the matter with always running away from home like this? Chi Yan still cares about his daughter very much. You tell her to stop being so headstrong and to go home quickly. Otherwise, Chi Yan's heart will be more inclined to Chi Zhouchen in the future. When she gets married, she won't get anything!"

Wen Yu's eyes instantly changed from mockery to sharpness when he heard these words, his eyes half-squinted with danger.

Wen Jingsen couldn't see it. It wasn't easy for him to say so much to this eldest son. After he was done explaining it, he didn't want to talk anymore, so he finally said: "You have to remember everything I told you."

Wen Yu stopped saying "what else" and "then what" this time.

He spoke coldly, his low voice was indifferent: "Wen Jingsen, you are dreaming."

The other end was taken aback for a while, and then there was a furious voice…

"Wen Yu!!!"

Wen Yu didn't speak and directly hung up the phone.

He then pulled the number to the blacklist.

He stretched out his hand and rang the bell.

Secretary Ning quickly pushed the door in, with a respectful attitude: "Boss."

Wen Yu: "No need to wait a year, I don't want to wait, the projects planned by the Wen family will help them speed things up, give them some help, help them put all the capital in early, and then… accelerate the implementation of the plan!"

Secretary Ning trembled slightly, and immediately said firmly: "Okay, boss!"

Oh Lord, the Wen family was doomed.

Wen Yu stood up, picked up his jacket, and walked out while saying: "Call me if anything happens."

After saying that, he already walked out of the office.

He couldn't wait to see Chi Zhengzheng now.

In the past, staying in the Wen family made him sick, now it was the things that were touched by the Wen family that made him sick, sometimes he really hated his own blood, the blood of the Wen family, it was dirty to the extreme.

He hated the Wen family so much that he even hated himself.

The only way to feel warmth was to see Chi Zhengzheng, only her.

He didn't want to delay dealing with the Wen family anymore, he didn't want Wen Yiran to appear in front of Chi Zhengzheng, and he didn't want to waste his time with the dirty Wen family. If he had the time, he would rather go home to see Chi Zhengzheng or walk their dog.

Wangjiang Manor and the company were not far away, so he quickly returned home.

He looked around and found that there wasn't anybody in the living room.

Wen Yu's footsteps didn't stop and went up to the second floor, there wasn't anyone in the study.

He paused slightly, in his heart, he inexplicably began to be afraid and agitated, the house seemed to be empty.

Where did Zhi Zhengzheng go?!

He quickened his steps, he hurriedly searched through room by room, but she wasn't in any of them.

Wen Yu's heartbeat seemed to have stagnated, and he was a little out of breath.

Until he reached the terrace…

"Chi Zhengzheng?" His voice trembled slightly, filled with panic.

A soft recliner was placed on the terrace, blocking Wen Yu's line of sight.

When Chi Zhengzheng heard the sound, held her book and poked her head out.

Next to her, Liuzhu followed her movements also poked out his head from the side.

Chi Zhengzheng's hair was loosely pinned behind her ears, her big round eyes looked at him, she tilted her head: "Ah?"

Next to her was Liuzhu was poking his head out, waving his tail happily, and the similar-looking round eyes also looked at him, with his head tilted: "Woof~"