Chapter 42 — Kiss

Being looked at by one person and one dog with similar-looking watery eyes like this…

Wen Yu's heart was filled in an instant and all the panic and fear that he had just felt all disappeared.

Something was coming out of his heart as if it were to drown him.

The beast that was hidden in his heart was about to be unstoppable.

He just stood there, staring at Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhengzheng was a little stunned, why did the big boss come back so early today? And why does he look somewhat strange?

"You're back, weren't you working overtime today?" She blinked and stood up.

However, before she could properly put on her shoes, Wen Yu took a few steps forward, and exerting force in his hand, Chi Zhengzheng, who had yet to put on her shoes, fell into Wen Yu's arms.

He hugged her tightly, very tightly.

For a moment, he wanted to embed her into his flesh and bones.

Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback, her nose was full of the smell that made her blush and made her heartbeat, and her heartbeat accelerated frantically as if it was about to jump out of her chest.


He hugged her!

He hugged her again!!

Chi Zhengzheng's whole body was stiff, motionless.

After a while, she felt a little out of breath – Wen Yu was holding her too tightly.

She moved.

Wen Yu also finally came back to his senses, his hands loosened slightly, but didn't let go.

Chi Zhengzheng slowly raised her head and immediately ran into a pair of deep eyes that looked like they were trying to suck her in.

The two faced each other, one looked up, the other looked down, their breath hitting each other's face.

Thump, thump, thump.

Chi Zhengzheng heard her heartbeat.

This gesture…

She swallowed her saliva.

Wen Yu slowly lowered his head. He was against the light, and for a moment he was so dazzling that Chi Zhengzheng's heart, which was beating wildly, seemed to have stopped.

Did he… want to kiss her?


Chi Zhengzheng screamed in her heart, she held his clothes tightly with her hands, closed her eyes slightly, her eyelashes were trembling, and she held her breath.

Wen Yu also slightly closed his eyes and pressed down slowly…

"Woof woof woof ~" Liuzhu barked wildly.

– What were Mom and Dad doing? Why were they ignoring him?

The two came back to their senses, as if they had been electrocuted, and let go of each other suddenly. Wen Yu took a step back, and Chi Zhengzheng also stepped back, and her foot kicked the wooden leg of the recliner.

"Ah-" She fell on the recliner.

"Oh-" Holding her foot, tears welled in her eyes.

It hurt!!!

Can you imagine the pain of hitting your foot against a bulky wooden chair with sharp corners?!

In a split second, there was a sharp pain, she couldn't control her lacrimal glands, mist appeared in front of her, and she burst into tears.

"Chi Zhengzheng!" Wen Yu's face turned white and he immediately squatted down.

He stretched out his hand, his bony hand held her small white porcelain-like foot, on such flawless skin, in the side of the foot, a little bit of skin was broken.

Chi Zhengzheng froze.

When Wen Yu held her foot, she couldn't even feel the pain anymore, and her whole body was stunned.


How could Wen Yu hold her foot!

How could he?!

Luckily… she washed it.

She pulled back her feet, obviously, her eyes were still wrapped in tears, her cheeks flushed red again, she pulled and pulled, but couldn't pull back.

"Don't move." Wen Yu had a serious expression and a somewhat serious voice.

Chi Zhengzheng stiffened, she suddenly didn't dare to move.

He glanced at her reproachfully, with helplessness in his voice: "You have to be more careful, does it hurt?"

Wen Yu felt bad, he blamed himself for not holding her tightly just now, but at the same time his heart was aching, seeing her teary eyes, his heart moved.

Chi Zhengzheng nodded but then suddenly shook her head: "It doesn't hurt…"

The pain was just a momentary thing. It was really painful just now, but after the pain, it eased off, it became a little numb, and it didn't hurt as much as it did just now.

It's just that when he asked "Does it hurt" in a low and gentle voice, Chi Zhengzheng just wanted to scream, and even the pain seemed to disappear.

Wen Yu didn't feel that she didn't hurt anymore. Seeing the skin break off on her fair skin, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and subconsciously lowered his head slightly.

He got closer and blew gently.

Chi Zhengzheng stiffened.

She tried to pull, but she still didn't pull it back, her toes curled up, and her ears turned red.

This time it didn't hurt anymore, she felt it was a little itchy.

Wen Yu carefully put her foot on the recliner and stood up: "I'll go down and get the first aid kit, don't move."

"Hey-" She exclaimed "Such injury, isn't it unnecessary?"

"Be obedient, don't be willful." Wen Yu stroked her head and went downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

It really didn't hurt anymore.

She lowered her head to look at her little broken skin. It was just a small injury, as long as Wen Yu walked slowly and brought the first aid kit and her feet will be fine.

For this little bit of broken skin, it really wasn't necessary ah!

However, Wen Yu had already gone downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng sighed, on the other hand, she thought it was a little sweet, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but go up.

"Woo woo~" Liuzhu next to her was wagging his tail, he was still small and couldn't climb up the recliner, so he was a little anxious.

Chi Zhengzheng reached out and when he was picked up, he wagged his tail in ecstasy. She pressed on his little head for a violent rua. (t/n: internet slang, it is usually used when you suffer or you're embarrassed, it can also be used for stroking, fondling, or rubbing)

"Ahhhhh – stinky Liuzhu!!! You're ruining your mother's happy moments!!!" She was almost kissed ah!

"You inconsiderate little brat!!!" She hadn't kissed Wen Yu yet!

"Woo woo woo!" Liuzhu felt aggrieved, he didn't know what mistake he made.

But his owner's rua was still very comfortable, he hang his head, and rested his head on Chi Zhengzheng's leg.

Chi Zhengzheng rua and rua, then stopped, looked at Liuzhu, and let out a long sigh. (t/n: stroked and stroked, rubbed and rubbed)

Ai, what if Wen Yu didn't want to kiss her just now?

What if he just wanted to look at her and take a closer look?

Or what if he had other ideas and she just misunderstood?

Chi Zhengzheng's face, which had just been shy, suddenly hang her head low, feeling dejected.

Having a crush was like this, all the feelings could be experienced at once, just thinking about it could make her mood up and down…

A moment He, and another moment Be, it was just as if her mood was jumping back and forth between life and death. (t/n: HE happy ending / BE bad ending)

Sometimes, it could go back and forth several times a day.


When Wen Yu came back, Chi Zhengzheng was still "sad" about her crush whether it may be or not be.

Seeing him coming back, she glanced at him and sighed sadly.

Wen Yu: "?"

He was confused and asked carefully: "Does it hurt?"

As he spoke, he had already squatted down and taken out the alcohol, and then carefully placed Chi Zhengzheng's foot on his knees.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Actually… it doesn't hurt…" She was grieving her love.


Wen Yu had already dipped a cotton swab in alcohol and he approached Chi Zhengzheng's foot cautiously as if facing a big enemy.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at the man squatting in front of her, and an indescribable feeling arose in her heart.

What a great man, she was so lucky to have met him in this life.

Being able to have such an ambiguous time with him, she could look back on it for the rest of her life.

But just the thought of not being able to be with this man in the future…

Her heart was very uncomfortable.

"Bear with it." Wen Yu said as the cotton swab touched her wound.

"Ow-" Chi Zhengzheng screamed: "It hurts!!"

Oh God, it didn't even hurt anymore, but once it touched the alcohol, it hurt so much!!

What Be, what not being able to be with this man in the future, all these thoughts were left behind by Chi Zhengzheng, her brain was now blank, the only thing left was the crushing feeling of "pain". (t/n: Be = Bad ending)

Wen Yu gritted his teeth, once again, dabbed a bit more alcohol, and gently wiped her wound, he then used a band-aid to put on her wound, and only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

"Woo woo, it hurts!" Chi Zhengzheng was finally able to pull back her foot, she held it and howled, she looked really pitiful.

Wen Yu stood up and looked at her, feeling heartache and feeling amused.

As if he couldn't control himself, his hand suddenly clasped the back of her head, then lowered his head and put his lips on her red lips.

– He continued the action he wanted to do just now.

The voice choked in her mouth, Chi Zhengzheng was dumbfounded, staring at the face only a few centimeters away from her with tearful eyes, and then slowly blinked.

Oh… so handsome.


Wen Yu was kissing her!!!

He was actually kissing her!!!

Just after this thought came up, Wen Yu's lips left her lips.

The corners of his mouth rose, mm, delicious as he expected.

Zhengzheng had a blank expression, she was so dumbfounded that she tilted her head and looked at him.

Wen Yu don't look her way, he was afraid that if he continued to look, he wouldn't be able to control the beast in his heart.

"Chi Zhengzheng." Wen Yu opened his mouth.

"Huh?" Chi Zhengzheng blankly answered.

"Liuzhu's not having extra snacks tonight." Wen Yu said.

"Why?" She asked subconsciously with a dull expression.

At this moment, her brain was still crashed because "Wen Yu kissed her", she wasn't able to recover at all, she answered almost subconsciously.

Wen Yu: "He ruined his father's happy moments so he should be punished."

Although they just kissed, because of Liuzhu, he wasn't able to kiss her before, and Wen Yu still remembered.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Ah?" Still confused.

She looked at him with those misty eyes, and her lips were still unusually rosy because of his kiss.

Wen Yu felt his lower abdomen tighten, he inhaled deeply and let out a long exhale.

"Chi Zhengzheng."


"Exercise some restraint."


"I'm afraid I can't control myself." So, please exercise some restraint and stop being so tempting.

Chi Zhengzheng: "…" She was dumbfounded.

Wen Yu once again lowered his head and gently imprinted a kiss on her forehead, then lifted the first aid kit and hurried downstairs.

It seemed like no matter how much she restrained herself, she would still make him lose control…

Wen Yu went downstairs, Chi Zhengzheng sat dumbfounded.

"Woo woo~" Liuzhu pushed her.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at Liuzhu and finally came back to her senses, and then, her face flushed red.

She suddenly reached out and picked up Liuzhu, swinging him happily, her voice tinged with laughter: "Aaaah!! Liuzhu!! Your father and I may have a He ah!!" (t/n: He = happy ending)

Wen Yu kissed her!

He kissed her!!

Not only once, but twice!!

Liuzhu had a confused expression, but then seeing her owner was playing with him, he was immediately happy.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Hahaha!" So happy!

Liuzhu: "Woof woof woof~" He was also happy!

Chi Zhengzheng's happiness was real happiness.

Liuzhu, on the other hand, still didn't understand the delicious extra snacks that he was about to miss…

Who would've known that until late at night, she could still be so happy?

Chi Zhengzheng didn't sleep well last night, all night long, she was excited, and the next day when she got up, Wen Yu had already gone to work.

But breakfast was left on the table, and there was a written note –

"Remember to eat breakfast. Wen Yu."

She covered her face and immediately knew that the breakfast on the table was made by Wen Yu himself.


At that moment, Wen Sisi called –

"I'm outside Wangjiang Manor, hurry up and come out."

Chi Zhengzheng's voice was tinged with laughter: "No hurry, wait for me to have breakfast."

Wen Sisi: "??? Hello, I'm still waiting? I haven't eaten yet either, come out and let's go eat together."

Chi Zhengzheng: "No way!" This was made by Wen Yu himself!

Wen Sisi: "Okay then, bring some too."

Chi Zhengzheng: "No way!" This is made by Wen Yu himself!

Wen Sisi: "What? Are you f*cking human?!

The not-human Chi Zhengzheng ended up taking two breakfasts out, mainly because Wen Yu made a lot of it and she couldn't finish it on her own, so she packed it up and took it out to eat with Wen Sisi.

Chi Zhengzheng sat in the passenger seat, Wen Sisi, who was in the driver's seat, reached out and took a sandwich to eat, on the other hand, there was a cup of soy milk, a combination of Chinese and Western breakfast.

"Who made this? It's pretty edible." Wen Sisi said.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Wen Yu made it, isn't it absolutely delicious? It's very, very delicious!"

Wen Sisi: "…"

She was somewhat disgusted and wanted to fight back, but thought of Chi Zhengzheng's explosive combat power if she were to badmouth Wen Yu…

Forget it, she gave in.

"What have you been doing these two days? You haven't even gone out, whenever I send you a message, you take so long to answer." Wen Sisi drank two sips of fresh soy milk while eating.

Chi Zhengzheng was also eating, her voice somewhat vague: "Accompanying my son."

"Pfft–" A mouthful of soybean milk spurted out, Wen Sisi sounded shocked: "You and Wen Yu already have a child?!"