Chapter 68 — Flaunting wealth

Her round eyes widened abruptly, and she looked at Wen Yu in disbelief.

Was he actually going to buy The Pearl Bar?

She had every reason to believe that in the future if she went to Pearl Bar to drink again, the manager would only serve her juice, or a bit more exaggeratedly, the manager might serve her milk :).

This was something Wen Yu could definitely do!

But at this moment his expression very serious, full of pampering across his face, she breathed in, not knowing what to say.

Chi Zhengzheng took a deep breath and held Wen Yu's face.

Wen Yu's face was obediently held by her, with sharp and deep facial features, and an extremely perfect face was in the middle of her palm. This face was so good-looking to see that it made her fascinated, but what made her even happier was that his eyes were full of love at this moment.

Any woman gazed at by him like this, it would be hard not to get intoxicated.

Chi Zhengzheng's whole heart became warm, but she still said: "Wen Yu, Wen Xiaoyu, Yuyu, this is not just a club matter, I don't have to go to the bar to make trouble, that's how couples get along. We are lovers, and we will be in the future…"

She blushed slightly, and continued: "We'll be together for the rest of our lives, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any personal space at all, I know you're nervous about me, but there's no need to be so careful."

For example, she went to a nightclub tonight, and Wen Yu sent bodyguards to greet the managers of the nightclub in advance, and even investigated what happened earlier, all the things that happened along the way, he also knew it all.

Just like that, he was still sitting in the hall waiting for her.

Yes, Chi Zhengzheng knew that Wen Yu was sitting in the hall waiting for her.

He was too careful.

It wasn't only tonight when she went to the nightclub, since they started being together, he had also been behaving like this gradually. She didn't notice it before, but tonight, the situation worsened, she felt it all at once.

Wen Yu didn't say anything and looked into her eyes.

Those pair of round eyes were so nice, like beautiful crystals, when she smiled, her eyebrows curved, and her round eyes bent into a crescent moon. It made him intoxicated, let him want to be inseparable for a lifetime, to never leave.

It also made him want to… How good would it be if these eyes only looked at him?

"Do you understand what I mean?" Chi Zhengzheng asked with a serious expression.

The corner of Wen Yu's mouth slowly showed a smile and nodded: "Understood, I will pay attention in the future."

His face was still being held by her, and when he nodded, her hand moved along with him.

Chi Zhengzheng suddenly showed a bright smile, lowered her head, and kissed Wen Yu on the cheek.

"That's nice! I like you super much!" Such an obedient and reasonable male god ah!

"I like you too." Wen Yu hugged her tightly.

Chi Zhengzheng plunged into his arms and rubbed against him, her soft voice was delicate: "Aiya, I'm so lucky, how could I have such a good boyfriend? Such a good boyfriend, a male god, I even want to beat myself when I get angry with you!"


"What?" Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback and looked up at him.

Wen Yu had a serious expression, very serious: "Don't beat yourself when you get angry. I can't bear it."

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

After a while, she made a sound: "Hahahahaha!!"

She laughed until her stomach hurt!

How could he be so cute?!

Wen Yu's face was blank, but she was happy, and he slowly showed a smile.

At night, the master bedroom.

After Chi Zhengzheng's breathing stabilized, Wen Yu slowly opened his eyes.

He tightened his hand and he stared very earnestly at the woman in his arms. Only a very dim table lamp was left in the whole room, but with the light, he could still see the woman sleeping unsuspectingly in his arms clearly.

Wen Yu's eyebrows softened and his voice softened: "Chi Zhengzheng, actually I don't understand."

With these words, his eyes darkened, and there seemed to be a raging and terrifying passion hidden in them.

In the living room, Chi Zhengzheng asked him if he understood.

He said he understood because, at that time, he knew what to say to make her happy.

– And he, he wanted her to be happy.

But in reality, he didn't comprehend, and he didn't understand.

Why did they need any personal space between them? Why would she want to have space without him?

He wanted to know everything about her, to know what she was doing at every moment, and he was afraid that she would have a minor accident and encounter anything that was beyond his control.

"Why do you want to have a sense of distance from me?" Wen Yu pursed his lips.

In the darkness of the night, Chi Zhengzheng was already asleep, so naturally, she wouldn't give him an answer.

He slowly approached her, and his hot lips dropped a kiss on her forehead, full of love, and uncontrollable burning emotions.

The two of them went downstairs to have breakfast together.

After eating, Wen Yu was still wearing casual clothes and obviously didn't intend to go out.

Chi Zhengzheng is a bit surprised: "Aren't you going to work today?"

"No, I'm working from home today." Wen Yu gave her a faint smile.

As soon as he smiled, Chi Zhengzheng was dazzled and she couldn't find her way around.

F*ck, so damn handsome.

The thought of such a handsome man being her boyfriend, Chi Zhengzheng felt sweet in her heart. She also didn't know that he was very busy recently, and why he didn't go to the company.

After the meal, the two sat in the study, still in their familiar positions, sitting at the large table, each busy with their own work, and when they look up they could see the other person.

Chi Zhengzheng was doing translations. There were many professional terms in this job, which was quite troublesome. She had to look through the dictionary from time to time and look words up on the Internet from time to time.

Wen Yu was obviously also very busy, there are many things going on in the company.

After taking care of the Wen family, Yu Ding took the expansion route, Yu Ding and the original direction taken by the Wen family overlapped a bit, after the collapse of the Wen family, naturally, they also moved as fast as possible to quickly eat the market of the Wen family.

Wen Yu wasn't a short-sighted person, and he wouldn't give Zheng Ye the money for free because he wanted to bring down the Wen family and help the Wen family for free.

When the Wen family fell, he took revenge, and at the same time, the company had long been preparing new projects that will also eat most of the market of the Wen family', the remaining fish that missed the net were bitten by other companies.

Everyone in the circle scolded him for being heartless and ruthless. He could also be vicious and ruthless towards his own father. In addition, he also ate such a big piece of cake that it was a bit eye-catching.

So much so that some companies have teamed up to give him a lot of trouble recently.

However, Wen Yu wasn't afraid. This was a scene that was bound to happen. When Yu Ding was just starting out, he didn't know how many times he had faced this kind of scene. Except for being a little busy, he and the company's senior management were at ease.

Therefore, one morning, Wen Yu just held two video conferences.

When he came back again, Chi Zhengzheng couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you very busy? Why don't you go to the company?"

There was a surprised look in her eyes.

Wen Yu raised his hand and rubbed her head, his voice was gentle: "Am I bothering you?"

"No, it doesn't bother me, I'm just wondering that since your identity has been revealed, why you're still working at home." She bit the tip of her pen with a confused expression.

In the original novel, after the collapse of the Wen family, Wen Yu's road to dominance officially began.

He left the Wen house, formally went in and out of the company, and was almost always in the company working hard to develop Yu Ding…

He became a completely ruthless working robot.

"Don't you want me to accompany you?" Wen Yu's hand slightly paused.

Chi Zhengzheng shook his head abruptly, with a serious expression: "Of course I want you to accompany me, but you also have your things to do ah, if you delay your business because of me, I'll feel guilty ah. Moreover, you eat all three meals at home every day, and you're back from work in the afternoon, so you don't have to stay at home with me."

Of course, she didn't want Wen Yu to become an emotionless working robot, and she wanted him to keep her company, but she also didn't want Wen Yu to delay his work because of her!

This was the kind of thing that made Chi Zhengzheng feel guilty, he didn't go to the office in order to stay home with her, and she didn't want Wen Yu to do that.

Wen Yu's eyes drooped slightly, then whispered softly: "I have to go to the company in the afternoon. This morning I'm just… a little lazy, I don't want to go out."

Chi Zhengzheng's eyes widened in disbelief, with a "Are you teasing me?" "Is that okay?" expression.

Would Wen Yu not want to go out because of laziness?


Wen Yu: "I'm the boss, of course, I can do whatever I want."

Chi Zhengzheng silently gave him a thumbs-up, and then reached out to hold one of his hands: "Then you continue with your work, I'll translate the rest, and we'll go downstairs to eat."

After thinking for a while, she asked again: "After getting off work, how about we go out on a date?"

A smile appeared on Wen Yu's face, thinking of their last date, and his eyebrows softened: "Yes, let's go on a date."

"Then I'll book movie tickets in advance. Let's go to the cinema to watch a movie, I've always felt that something was missing in our home cinema, it doesn't feel like a date…" Chi Zhengzheng thought bitterly.

Wen Yu listened, he tightly clasped her hand with a gentle expression.

When she finished speaking, she devoted herself to doing her translation and worked seriously.

The translation job was obviously a bit difficult, so much so that she frowned slightly, checking the dictionary from time to time and was repeatedly entangled.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help but say: "If it's too difficult, don't translate it."

Chi Zhengzheng didn't raise her head: "No, this information is a bit difficult, so the pay is also more, I have to make money."

The money she saved before, apart from her own use, she basically gave to Wen Sisi by renting the apartment, so she must hurry to save some more.

She also returned all the money given by the Chi family before, Chi Yan said that he wanted to continue to give her pocket money, but she didn't want it.

Therefore, she was now poor.

Although Wen Yu had money, it wasn't that she considered herself an outsider, it was just that Chi Zhengzheng was used to being independent in her last life, it was impossible to allow herself to have no income.

Of course, she couldn't keep doing this job all the time, at the moment, there wasn't a shortage of people in the English simultaneous translation market, and her German level was still fine for translating materials to earn money, but it wasn't good enough for simultaneous translation, and she still needed to practice again.

She had to find time to continue studying the books she bought before.

Step by step, the world is never short of hardworking people who want a bowl of rice.

Chi Zhengzheng lowered her head and continued to scratch her head to translate.

Wen Yu tapped on the computer, and after a while, he moved the computer screen in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

He coughed and suddenly said: "Zhengzheng, this is my financial situation."

"Whaaat?" Chi Zhengzheng looked up with a dumbfounded expression.

"This is Yu Ding's shares, they are currently valued at $28.9 billion, and I also hold Mingxia Technology and… and fixed assets including… and real estate totaling about…" Wen Yu had a serious expression, giving a detailed inventory of his assets to Chi Zhengzheng.

After summing it up, he divided the total figure by two and showed it to Chi Zhengzheng: "Currently, these are my assets, if I divide them in half, this is the figure. Of course, I mean that this is how it is divided at the legal level."

At the legal level, regardless of the issue of prenuptial property, the common property of husband and wife would be half and half.

Of course, if Chi Zhengzheng wanted it, he would be happy to allocate his half to her as well.

After saying that, he looked at Chi Zhengzheng nervously.

Chi Zhengzheng blinked her eyes and looked at the string of zeros that was an astronomical number to her.

When Wen Yu saw that she didn't say anything, he immediately said anxiously: "This is certainly not all my value. My greatest value lies in the future, according to Yu Ding's expansion, every year will be in accordance with…"

He roughly calculated his future value for Chi Zhengzheng, so the zeros behind that astronomical number were more and more, more and more, more and more…

More and more to the point that Chi Zhengzheng had lost count, more and more to the point that Wen Yu also stopped counting.

After finishing speaking, Wen Yu looked at Chi Zhengzheng anxiously.

He didn't know, was she satisfied?

Would she dislike him?

Chi Zhengzheng slowly turned her head and looked at Wen Yu next to her, facing the other's serious eyes and serious expression.

She slowly raised her hand: "Come here."

Wen Yu leaned his head closer, a little confused.

Chi Zhengzheng: "… You ah, are flaunting your wealth to me?!" She pinched his neck, very infuriated.