Chapter 69 — Work

Of course, she didn't use any force.

Wen Yu was dumbfounded.

Chi Zhengzheng continued to roar: "I'm going to hate the rich!!!"

Why would he show her, a poor person, this kind of number that she couldn't count?

So angry!!

Wen Yu hurriedly said: "No, I didn't mean that… I…"

"You, what did you mean? Weren't you flaunting your wealth, is that what you mean?!"

"I-I just want you to marry me."

Chi Zhengzheng's hands froze, her expression also stiffened on her face, and she looked at Wen Yu in front of her in shock.

Wen Yu also froze, and after a while, he stammered: "N-No, I mean, this, this will be our common property after you marry me, that's not it, I mean if you are willing to marry me…"

Chi Zhengzheng's hands suddenly loosened, didn't look at him, and her face was slightly red: "What are you talking about."

It was rare for Wen Yu to stammer.

But Chi Zhengzheng had no time to make fun of him, at this moment, her brain had gone blank.

Wen Yu took a deep breath, his hands tightened so much that his palms were already moist.

In the end, he is a calm person. He tried to breathe steadily and then said seriously: "I have already solved the problems with the Wen family. In the future, I want to be with you forever."

Thump, thump, thump…

She seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat, raised her hand, and covered her chest.

After a while, she said: "Wen Yu, how long have we been together? How can we get married so soon, at least, at least we need more time to fall in love…"

Wen Yu was a little disappointed and looked at her: "How long will it take to get married?"

Chi Zhengzheng turned her head, glared at him, and said fiercely: "That depends on your performance! Moreover, how can you propose marriage like this? It's so half-hearted, how can you propose marriage with computerized accounting!"

It wasn't a proposal, it was flaunting wealth!

Her fierce expression wasn't intimidating at all, nor was it lethal.

But Wen Yu's heart tightened and held Chi Zhengzheng's hand anxiously: "No, it isn't half-hearted, I just… I just only suddenly thought of us later."

His expression was flustered and overwhelmed.

Chi Zhengzheng was used to him working with calmness and composure, and she was also used to his direct and efficient way of dealing with the affairs of the Wen family. Such a man, showing such an expression at this moment, her heart became soft for an instant.

"I don't blame you… I just… just…" Chi Zhengzheng fidgetted.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, but it isn't half-heartedly, I wouldn't do anything half-heartedly for you, never." Wen Yu's voice was somewhat hurried.

Chi Zhengzheng said loudly: "I said I don't blame you, I'm just embarrassed! Embarrassed, do you understand?"


Wen Yu, that was really enough!

Why was he so slow, why did he have to force her to say it?

Why couldn't he understand a girl's duplicity?

Chi Zhengzheng covered her face and let go again, fanning herself with both hands to cool down, her big eyes blinking and not daring to look at Wen Yu.

Wen Yu was taken aback.

After a while, the corners of his mouth slowly revealed a smile, stood up, walked behind her, bent down, and hugged Chi Zhengzheng tightly from behind.

"Then let's fall in love for a while longer."


"Let's get married when you've fallen in love enough."

"Ah…" It depends on you.

"Do you like Chinese weddings or Western weddings?"


"Where are we going on our honeymoon? Do you have a city you want to go to?"


"After the wedding, you…"

"Wen Yu! We aren't married yet!!!"

Wen Yu showed a smile, lowered his head, and gave her a kiss: "Sooner or later."

Chi Zhengzheng: "…"

She glared at him, and then, she blushed, the corners of her mouth grinned, and giggled.

"Let's go, stop looking." Wen Yiran's voice was indifferent.

An Qinru also twisted her head to look at the small house behind her, this was the place they lived after the bankruptcy of the Wen family, she hated it very much, but then again, this was also the capital city, and not that small place in City C!

She withdrew her eyes and glared at Wen Yiran: "I said I'm not leaving! If you want to go, you go, my family is in the capital city, and I'm not going to leave!"

"You married into the Wen family, where Yiran goes, you have to follow!" Xu Wei got out of the car, pulled An Qinru, and said: "I'm telling you, wanting to leave the Wen family, dream on!"

Xu Wei didn't want to leave either, but she looked for Chi Zhengzheng, to no avail, and received a warning from Wen Yu.

Wen Sisi ran away, unwilling to get married, they no longer have a way to be in this city, Wen Yiran took Wen Jingsen away, no matter how unwilling Xu Wei was, she had no choice but to follow her husband and son.

And Wen Jingsen was paralyzed and needed to be taken care of, in this case, she would never let An Qinru go!

An Qinru shook off her hand: "The Chi family is still in the capital city, besides there are still the Ding family and the An family, I won't leave. You have no right to ask me to go with you!"

Her eyes were wide and her hair was messy, like a crazy woman.

Wen Yiran looked at her, lit a cigarette and smoked, and said coldly: "You can not leave, but the Chi family doesn't care about you, the Ding family and the An family also lost all their money, they think you dragged them down and said they wouldn't care about you in the future. What will you do if you stay here? Do you have a place to go?"

An Qinru was taken aback, and opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

After smoking, Wen Yiran got into the car and shouted: "Whether you like it or not, I'm warning you, Wen Yu isn't stopping us now, so there's a way out. If you stay, how he treats you, I won't care."

After saying that, he then closed the car door.

An Qinru's face was full of tears, and after a while, she stumbled and climbed into the car.

She had nowhere else to go…

If Wen Yiran didn't divorce her, she can't live even if she stays in the capital city, and she was still carrying a child inside her belly.

The car was rented to move the goods, and their luggage was in the back

Wen Yiran smoked in the front row without saying anything.

Wen Jingsen lay in the back, groaning. He was groaning, and from time to time, he would curse Wen Yu as a "beast" repeatedly.

An Qinru and Xu Wei sat in the middle, Xu Wei, who became more bitter and mean, was shouting abuse at An Qinru like a fishwife, scolding her nonstop.

(t/n: shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife means aggressive and verbal abuse of others.)

And An Qinru…

She looked out of the window, looking at the city that was gradually disappearing, tears streaming down her face.

How did it turn out this way?

If she had to do it all over again, she would never marry Wen Yiran, she, she would never steal Chi Zhengzheng's fiancé!

She would let Chi Zhengzheng marry into the Wen family…

Let her suffer all this!

The curses inside the car continued as the car moved further and further away.

At the end of this summer, the Wen family completely left the city, left with nothing.

Wen Yu didn't do anything anymore, he spent all his time on work and being with Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback when she knew it. This was something that wasn't in the original novel. Although she had already known it from Wen Yu's mouth in advance, she was still taken aback when the Wen family really left.

In December, winter had long arrived, and along with the first snowfall, Chi Zhengzheng received a message from Wen Sisi.

She said she had found a job in a new city, and that she was a little uncomfortable working for the first time, but was also trying to adapt.

When she saw the message, Chi Zhengzheng glanced at Wen Yu who was working in the office, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

– This time, in the original novel, was probably when Wen Sisi committed suicide.

– But the reality had successfully changed.

"What are you happy about?" Wen Yu looked up and saw her smiling, so he asked.

Chi Zhengzheng shook her head: "It's nothing, I'm just happy."

The Wen Sisi's ending had changed, the Chi family had been hit hard but they still existed, the Wen family had also received their retribution and left the city, and the content she had seen could be changed.

So Wen Yu, the "CP-free" male lead, could also have love.

Wen Yu smiled, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He reached out and pulled up Chi Zhengzheng: "Let's go, go downstairs to eat."

"Oh, wait a minute! I haven't finished translating yet! I have to give it in tonight!" Chi Zhengzheng exclaimed.

Wen Yu: "Then don't hand it in."

Chi Zhengzheng glared: "I'll lose money!"

Wen Yu: "Then just lose it."

Chi Zhengzheng: "It's easy for you to say. This is a matter of professional ethics. Forget it, I will work again after eating." It was just eleven o'clock and the chef had just arrived.

"Zhengzheng, you don't have to work so hard." Wen Yu sounded helpless.

"It isn't hard work, I'm quite free, I arrange the time by myself. I will have to go out to work after the New Year. It will be true then…"

Wen Yu stopped in his tracks.

Chi Zhengzheng also followed and stopped, turning her head to look at him: "Why don't you walk?"

"Going out to work?" Wen Yu looked at her and murmured.

Chi Zhengzheng nodded and planned with her fingers: "Yeah, I've got it all figured out, I'll go do simultaneous translation first, then I'll…"

Wen Yu's lips were pursed all of a sudden, after a while, he said: "Zhengzheng, can you not go?"

"Why can't I go? I should have a job too." Chi Zhengzheng tilted her head to look at Wen Yu with surprise on her face.

Wen Yu didn't say anything, he just pursed his lips.

Chi Zhengzheng frowned with a serious expression: "Wen Yu, I also need to have a job, not only for the income but also to enrich my life, I can't always stay at home."

Wen Yu didn't understand: "Isn't it good staying at home? I can see you every day, and you can see me every day."

"I will commute to work, we will also be together every day." Chi Zhengzheng looked back at him seriously, her eyes equally puzzled.

Wen Yu fell silent again, and only after a while did he say: "That's not the same."

"How is it different?" Chi Zhengzheng was stubborn.

Wen Yu stopped talking.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at him as always, but also didn't say anything stubbornly.

They froze in place for a while.

"Zhengzheng, how about not going?" In the end, Wen Yu spoke first, stretched out his hands, and hugged her into his arms. "Just stay by my side, I'll support you and give you everything."

Chi Zhengzheng pulled away from his hands, broke free from his embrace, and looked him in the eyes: "Not like this, I'm not a canary, you can't keep me at home and control everything I do."

"I care about you…"

"I know you care about me, but won't work if we go on like this." Chi Zhengzheng looked at him with unprecedented stubbornness. "I should also have my own space, I can't do nothing, then I'll be very unhappy."

The two stared at each other, once again, they were frozen in place.

After a while, Wen Yu took a deep breath and exhaled gently.

And then, he pulled the corner of his mouth and coaxed her in a low voice: "Okay, if you want to go, then go."

Chi Zhengzheng's eyes were suspicious: "Is that what you really think? Are you willing for me to go to work?"

"Hmm, I'm willing." Wen Yu hugged her again, her face buried in his chest, unable to see the rough waves in his eyes: "Although I can't bear it, I will try to support you and make you happy."

Chi Zhengzheng revealed a smile and hugged him tightly, rubbed against him, and said sweetly: "Wen Yu! You're so nice!"

Wen Yu's hand tightened and didn't say anything.

The arrival of the New Year meant the arrival of a new year.

This was the first time that Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng were spending the New Year together, and both of them took it very seriously.

"Zhengzheng, you're up. Didn't we agree yesterday that we would go shopping for New Year's goods today?" Wen Yu reached out and picked Chi Zhengzheng out of the quilt.

Chi Zhengzheng slept very soundly, after Wen Yu shouted twice more, she finally opened her eyes: "Uhm… what time is it?"

"It's ten o'clock." Wen Yu replied, putting on her clothes.

Although there was heating at home, he still always put on a jacket for her.

"So late?" Chi Zhengzheng was startled and struggled to get down from Wen Yu's arms.

"Yes, get up and have some breakfast, I'll go down and wait for you first." Wen Yu laughed.

"Okay!" Chi Zhengzheng responded while putting on her shoes.

Wen Yu shook his head helplessly and went downstairs.

Chi Zhengzheng put on her shoes and stood up abruptly, but her eyes went black and she fell onto the bed again.

She blinked her eyes and shook her head, and her eyes were clear again.

"Strange, why did I faint a little? Is it low blood sugar?" She murmured.

Then she stood up again, this time, there was nothing wrong, she knocked her head, didn't take it to heart, and went into the bathroom to wash up.