Identity Revealed

(Around Half A Year Later)

I have been inactive as a thief ever since I made my chamber. I had to say that it been taking longer than I expected.

From what I remembered, Ban's got used to Purgatory in like a hundred years or so. I didn't have that much time, but I had harsher settings then him to make that time up.

So far I am basically immune to temperature up to 8000 degrees. My body is also basically impenetrable as I haven't found anything that could cut me.

I even did the light saber test. It just felt like some one is pinching me. I mean the journey to get here was rough like all my pain sensors at the beginning felt like I was bathing in the sun.

Well i actually was basically. But luckily as the smartest man in the universe I made some "medicine" to dull the pain.

But it seems I underestimated Bans adaptability as soon I didn't need the "medicine" as I gain some sort of pain resistance. Well this was a plus, so I didn't complain about.

Well besides of spending my days in the chamber I also made some new things. Like concentrate dark matter, well I needed to make it.

I need a power source for my chamber. Good thing I knew everything about energy. So, I decided to make concentrated dark matter as I could make it and it leaves no waste.

My birthday even passed lately, I am now 13. Now the Voice said something about the Sidekicks getting together in about 5 years.

I can of assume that it will be a justice league department were the side kicks get together and work on a mission. That only a assumption though, so I could be wrong, which is unlikely but not impossible.

If that happens, should I join them? I mean it could be fun, but doing hero work and having a boss sounds like a bummer.

Well I can't tell the future, I could, but I rather not mess with time. For some reason I don't respect time and time travelers. Could be because Rick also hated it, but I'm not an heavy drinker so I doubt his knowledge has any affect on my personality, but who knows?

I also noticed that Batman has figured out my identity. I mean I knew he would figure it out as I wasn't really hiding.

When i got home that night I robbed the cars, my scanner picked up satellite activity. I didn't expect the greatest detective, to use justice league satellite to find me as I thought he didn't like relying on others.

I guess I was wrong, well I left the satellite find me. I wanted to see what he would do. Maybe he would do something interesting, or even attack me.

But no it been over half a year, and he has done nothing. But I did see something interesting, the boy wonder has been doing some snooping around.

I think he is doing this without Batman consent. I think because of something Batman said he seems to be investigating me. Or is he trying to prove to Batman that he's not a naive kid?

Whatever his agenda is, he got nothing. Maybe I should place a prank on him? Well I do that later.


(Batman POV)

I have finished my daily investigation on Ban Fushiguro, also known as Greed, but lately he has been inactive. He has been doing the same routine for the past months.

It seems that he has either decided to stop his crime spread for no reason, or because he has accomplished what he set out to do.

It most likely because he has finished his objective. He seems to go in this room, and stay there for hours. Sometimes he head to his garage and starts to create random tools and equipment.

I can only observe a limited amount of information from afar. He seems to have noticed my activity, but does not care as I am not hostile.

I have put him under Omega Category, the same as flash and Superman. He has intelligence and tools to create weapons that are strong enough to most likely wipe out a city in hours. He is also a meta human as he used some sort of telekinesis abilities.

He also has a superhuman physiology. How strong is he? It is currently unknown. Lastly, the reason I have put him in Omega level threat, his last name.

Fushiguro, is the last name of "that man". I have figured out that his mother was the wife of "that man". This would mean the child is most likely the son of "that man".

If the child has similar skills, then he can mostly destroy the world. It seems that I will have to officially bring this up in the next conference of the justice league.

Currently, Ban Fushiguro is not a threat to humanity. If done right, he could be turn into a hero that could even rival Superman. If done incorrectly, it could mean the end of humanity.

I need to find a way to neutralize him. So far his only weakness seem to be his care taker but she is also interesting as it seem she is a ghost.

There only simple information on her. Like we're she live and what she does for a live. Nothing interesting but that impossible since she has to have a connection to "that man" as he wouldn't leave his son without protection.

[A/N: I don't know what to do with the care taker. Should she die? I haven't even created a identity for her besides of taking care of the main character. Should she be an important character from the DC universe? Should she be from an anime? So for now she a blank character that will die eventually but that might change, so I am open to any suggestions.]

So currently without information the care taker I don't know if she is a weakness or not. This leaves Ban Fushiguro as a threat with no weakness.

But in the future he might be an good ally to have. He is young but the other sidekicks could learn from him.

This could be good as our actions have been highly limited and are always being watched. I could created a group of young heroes to help us in the showdown while they get experience.


(Ban Fushiguro)

"Achoo"I sneezed

'Huh, that's weird I should be immune to all diseases. Is some one talking about me? Eh, it's probably Batman.' I thought

Then I had a great idea. I hadn't had a good laugh in a while. So, I pulled out the Mr.Meeseek boxed out. I summon thousands of them

"Hi, I'm Mr.Meeseek! How can I help you?" They said

"Can you go to Gotham and have a riot for an hour or two. Just riot about random stuff, it can be pointless stuff too. Like if your ice cream is too cold or your water is too wet. Just have fun"I said

Then all the Me.Meeseek head to Gotham. Then I turn on my Tv and waited. Soon after 40 minutes, Gotham had breaking news.

[Breaking News: Riot in Gotham about "Why does fire burn me?"]

[Breaking News: Who is Mr.Meeseek and why is he Blue?]

[Breaking News: Mr.Meeseek protesting because the "lightbulbs are too bright"]

I was just scrolling News Channel and just laughing my ass off of these dumb headlines. They were just going around breaking windows and beating up people who got in their way.

Luckily, they weren't killing anyone. Then I saw a head line that interest me.

[Breaking News: Batman and Robin on the scene]

They were just there trying to contain them. It was hilarious to see. Mr. Meeseek couldn't die without finishing their task. So they just kept going.

Eventually it hit the hour mark of them rioting. They just started to disappear. At this point I had already had my good laugh, so I didn't do anything else. But if I was right, which I always am, Batman will not think this was funny.