Cybernetic Upgrade

(2 Month Later)

One thing I have been hesitating to do is upgrade my body using technology. I mean I am immortal and have high level regeneration. So it would be useless but then I thought about.

In the show he made a cyber laced mesh, that go him out of situations. So I decided to do something similar, since I don't need to protect my body, I'll chose something else.

My mind, now I never been under a mental attack. I also bet my mind would adapt to it but I need to find a way to block entrance to my head.

I doubt that if theirs no harm, my adaptation would work. Since if someone tried to search my mind, it not consider a attack so I doubt my adaptation would activate.

So I'll make a chip to insert in my head. Now that might sound bad but it better than wearing a weirdly built hat.

The problem is that I don't have the materials. So it time for Greed to come back.

'Ehh, that kinda cringe'I though

Now I need two things. First is a metal that is flexible and is a conductor. Second I also need a sort of micro transmitter that can connect to my brain and not overload.

After that I started to research. It didn't take long for me to find what I needed. It looked like I need to steal from two different people. It annoying but it should be easy.

First was the Metal. Now currently the only person that can proved me with metal that is a great conductor that can be used is Green Arrow.

His arrows are made of a special metal. It extreme flexible and is a amazing conductor. It also easy to use which is a plus.

Then the micro transmitter. Honestly I could make one but it too time consuming. I mean why make one when you can steal it.

But it being guarded by ARGUS. So now I'm definitely going to steal it. I always wondered what it's like to steal from a government building.

Then I started to plot. I mean I have a brain, might as well use it. Should I commit some arson? Nah, no wait maybe.

Should I use the Mr.Meeseek box? No, that only gets boring if you do it too many times. Wait a minute, I have it!

Pickle Rick.

I'm going to turn into a pickle and "borrow" the things I need. At the same time I could commit arson. Sometimes my genius is almost frightening, no wait it is frightening.


(A Few Days Later) (Green Arrows POV)

It been the usual these days. Me and Black Canary had just fought a few regular criminals, nothing special or life threatening.

Then all of a sudden we got an alert that there was a robbery. It was strange, because it seem to be in an abandoned part of the city. Their were usually no people besides the homeless staying there.

Me and Black Canary headed straight there. Once we arrived there was nothing.

"Hey are we sure this is the right place" I asked

"Yes I'm sure" she said

Then all of a sudden we heard a voice.

"Hey over here" something said

Then we both looked at the direction. We saw nothing.

"Look down" something said

The we looked down and I couldn't believe it. It was a pickle. A freaking pickle! Then I looked at Canary

"Are you seeing this!?" I said

"Yea, it's a talking pickle"

Then it pointed something at us. Then it said something something that confused me.

"Drop your arrows, this is a robbery" the pickle said

"Hahjahahhaa" I just bursted out laughing

"So you think this is a joke?" I said sarcastically

"Yes ,haah, very,hahah, much"I said uncontrollably laughing

Then all of a sudden he made some weird hand gesture and a remote control with a button flew to him.

The he pressed the button. I couldn't believe it. All the surrounding buildings just lit on fire.

"Well I'm not" said the pickle

Then the thing he was holding beside the remote control, turn into a gun. It started to blast shock waves.

Then Canary used her screams to cancel it. Then the pickle started singing.

"Duh don da na nahh" the pickle sang

It was a catchy tone but then I noticed that there were turrets on the buildings. Then i shot my arrows at them.

But they also shot back. What shocked me is that they weren't bullets, no they were pickles. That just distracted me enough for me and Canary to get him by the pickles.

They didn't cause wounds but still they would leave bruises.

Then the pickle used some type of telekinesis and stole my arrows. From the ones in the ground to the ones in my quiver. Now I'm left without my main weapon.

Canary was still trying to out scream his shock wave gun but I could tell that she was losing. Then she stopped and so did the pickle.

"Well I got the arrows, so it time for me to go"the pickle said

"Oh no you don't" I said while running to him

"Come here pickle" said Canary

But then he open a portal and escaped. I was just left shocked as well as canary. Then all the turrets started to explode, so we left the area and headed to our main base.

I was just wondering how I was going to report this. That I got robbed by a magic pickle and he escaped by some portal. No, I would be the laughingstock of the justice league.

"Man, I hate pickles"I said

Canary laughed at my comment. I didn't know if I should feel insulted or not.


(3rd Person POV)

Ban didn't go straight home, no he portal straight into the ARGUS base that had the micro transmitter. He was also still a pickle.

The guards all got alerted of a breach. They all headed straight to where the breach was. Then to their shock it was just a bunch of pickles.

Then all the pickles started to move. The guards all shot at the pickles but they started to explode into electricity. It wasn't enough to kill them but it was enough to keep them asleep for hours.

Then the pickles started to roll out of the room. They headed everywhere in the building. They then all activated at once. This fried every active electronic and knocked out all the people besides of one.

He of course was Ban. Since he didn't have a nervous system it didn't affect him. Well even if he was here with his actual body it still wouldn't affect him.

After a while, he found what he was looking for. Then he just portal out as if nothing happened. Of course he didn't leave without a goodbye present.

All the pickles then started to transform into gas. This gas was hallucination gas that made you see happy things. Nothing scary except for it lasting days.


(Ban POV)

Well I finished "borrowing" the items. I had to say I did a good job. I mean if that wasn't amazing what is?

I robbed them as a pickle. To bad I can't see their reactions. It probably would have been hilarious.

Well the "borrowing" phase is over time for the creation part. It was pretty easy to build. Well for me, you know since I'm the smartest man alive.

I finished it in a couple hours. I had to say it was a master piece. It blocks all psychic scans and searches while allowing or disabling telepathic connections.

I mean anything that was was mental related was in my control now. As long as some one explodes my head off, which is impossible now, the chip can't be taken, controlled, or destroyed without my permission. A masterpiece I had to say.