Schedule Plans

Hey guys it me, the Author!

I would like to say that starting Sunday or today whenever I upload this chapter. The upload schedule will be irregular.

Now some of y'all might get mad or curse me, but please don't and let me explain.

I currently am writing a bunch of fanfics at the same time, and I can't remember everything like were I left off or any ideas.

Each chapter of my fanfics take a few hours to write and one person only has so much time.

I also start school again on Monday, and I have after school thing. So usually I stay until 5 or after. That means I'll have even less time.

So, I'm here to say that scheduling wise, chapter are going to be irregular. I'll try to make at least one per week but no promises.

I am sorry but as the rest of you have, I also have a life. I am going into my last year of high school very after this semester, so I'll start to need to worry about college.

This week has also been busy since Thursday, as you could probably tell from the lack of chapters uploaded.

I will try to upload a chapter a week for each one but no promises.

Bye, have a good day!!