Portal Travel

I have rarely used the portal travel to the fullest. I mean I could go to different dimension and all that, right?

Well technically that true but also wrong. It seems that when I asked for my wishes, there came a lot of effect.

Not to the universe but to the multiverse. It seems that I can only travel to a world that has a "me" in it. It always the young justice universe as well.

It seems that since the voice choose my world I am trapped here. I can not go to other DC universes or even world where I don't exist.

I meant the other version of "me" and they all have at least one thing in common with me. So I started to do some research about this and why they all had similarities to me and not others.

Apparently I am the Prime "me". The top dog, the OG, the first one. All the other "me" have a different background or ability. Some are also just normal people.

They come in all sort of shapes. Some are reincarnated, while other were just born with no memories of other worlds. It was unique to say the least but it felt like I was trapped.

No matter how I change it, I am stuck in the Young Justice universe. I can't seem to figure out why as every dimension should be available to me. For now, I shouldn't worry about it.

Anyways today I am going to do some portal travel. Lately, my desires to do something interesting has been increasing. So today I am going to destroy a few planets.

I mean I wasn't going to do this in my original world, as that would be a waste. I was going to do this in another dimension.

So, I just portal there. Now this world was interesting, as the "me" in this reality does have my wishes but a different few.

In this world he has my first wish but his second and third one are different. In this world "I" wished for very good looks and to be a wizard.

When I figured this out, I was shocked at how dumb I could be. I mean magic is cool but you have the knowledge of Rick, making it a bit useless.

And the wish to have good looks, I mean was I just asking to be killed. Well I guess he is since I am here to destroy this world.

Then all of a sudden a "magical portal" appears besides of the green one, that I have. Then appeared "me".

"What are you doing here?"he asked

"Well, I am just here to fuck a planet"I said

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked

"Wait, never mind that for another time. What I meant to say was I am here to fuck up your earth"I said

"Well, not if I have a say"he said

Then he started to say some weird things. Was he having a seizure or stroke? This man was speaking enchantment table or something like that.

Then out of nowhere lighting started to form in the sky's. Then it headed straight towards me, I just took out this pole.

It absorbs all the lightning since it was a lightning rod but better. Then I grab the rob and aim it towards him.

"Abra Kadabruh"I said

Then lighting started flashing towards him. He was getting fried and it seem very effective but he was still alive.

Then out of nowhere, it seems that the justice league had arrived. They saw both of us and were confused.

"Uhm, Rick what is happening"superman asked

"Another version of me is here to destroy the planet"he said

They all seem shocked but got in battle stands really quickly.

"Really man? Your a justice league dog? Man, that the least Rick thing to do"I said

"Huh, what would you know about it!"he said

"Well first off I don't respect magic and it non sense. Second do you really think this is enough to kill me?" I said

"Of course, even I wouldn't be able to last long against the justice league" he said

I just led sighed, I was disappointed that a version of me couldn't even beat the justice league. So, I decided to do the first move.

I used my super abilities and appeared next to "me" and kick him in his throat. It seems that he need to use words to use spells.

Then the league started to attack me. I used Hunter feast and stole 90% of all there powers. They had all weakened, at this point I felt like I could blow the world with a single touch.

So I move towards Superman, now he was super slow as I was making way faster then him. I just punched him and it seems that I had broken all his rips.

Then I stood there and he flew back miles. The rest of the league was shocked at this. They never felt so weak and never seen Superman get sent packing away.

Then I go for wonder women. I hit her shield and it crumbles when my fist hit it. It even affected wonder women a little.

She flew back to get out of my range but I used snatch and took her heart. Everyone saw this and were now scared as I took down the strongest members with ease.

They were all weaken and scared but they didn't back down. No, they charged expect for Batman. He was planning something but I knew better than to let Batman cook.

If you let Batman cook, then you were just waiting for your death or in my case, imprisonment. So I just appeared in front of him and aimed for his head.

Then Superman tackled me, now it was weak and barely affected me but still I barely miss Batman head.

I just look at the man of steel, I pulled out a gas bomb. Now this wasn't a regular one, no it was a kyroptonite laced gas that was so dense it blocked out any sun light.

It also had a drying effect and was very toxic. I threw it at him. I hear him scream, he was in pain and after a while it stop and the gas cleared out.

It was a mummy. That used to be Superman but now he is only bones with crusty skin. So I pulled out a compound cannon and just disintegrated his body.

Then I looked at Batman and saw the league around him. I just sighed it seems that even in their weaken state and seeing the death of Superman and wonder women hasn't stopped them.

Then I heard "me", I didn't noticed this but he was preparing a spell and a big one at that. Then he actives it.

Beside of being in the chamber, this is the first time I felt pain coming from something. It was a basically a black hole spell.

It made it were it would basically destroy every atom of my body to the point of no return but he didn't know that wouldn't work.

The spell destroyed everything in the surroundings and even the justice league had to retreat. Then the spell stopped I was basically gone.

They noticed this on the satellite and they called a meeting and left it be. I just "grew" back of that what you call it.

With them off my back for a minute I could set off the world ending event. Now what would that be? Well I am going to change everything that is worth money into nothing.

Even online currency will be worth nothing. So I hacked world wide and changed everything. People started to panic when they noticed and almost immediately started getting scared.

They wonder what would happen, but I knew this wasn't enough so I just release so toxic gas and made them purge each other.

It was fun to watch, then it got boring so I gave a "few" people a "few" nukes. What I mean a "few" is basically one every 50 miles.

All they would have to do is set one off and they rest go with them. And that is exactly what happen. I just watch as I was immune.

I then went to the watch tower, and killed the rest of the super heroes as compared to Superman and wonder women they were weak.

I noticed some entity's like demons and gods on the earth. So, I decided I would just destroy the planet, since not everyone is gone.

I made a magnetic pulse connecting earth and the moon together. They collided together destroying each other.

Now I was still bored so I decided to make a super nova. I made a quick space ship before the earth was destroyed and flew to the sun. I just threw some compressed starts and combined them until the sun exploded.

This destroyed the whole solar system. It was pretty interesting to see. Then I created a portal back home.

It was night time, so I head to bed and wonder what I should eat for tomorrow.