Meeting With The Devil

You know I wasn't that much of a big television watcher, in my past life. I mean I have seen like the marvel movies but only a few of them.

But there was a few Tv shows I really liked. I have seen all of the Netflix series Lucifer. I mean it just connected to the DC universe, so I wonder if he was in this universe as well.

It turn out that he was, but there something else that I noticed. It seems that my maid visits Lucifer a lot.

I mean a lot, so I followed her one day and it turns out she works there. Her name was Mazikeen but they call her Maze.

I was shocked when I heard this, could she have really been a Demon? Was she still Lucifer right hand? How did she know my dad? Why is she taking care of me.

It seems that she had noticed that I followed her one time, but let it go. I mean after all she is a demon.

Then the next morning I decided to visit Lux. There I was stopped by a bouncer, but Lucifer saw this and was amused.

It seem that he noticed my true powers, well it not like I was hiding them. So he stopped the bouncer, and invited me in.

"Why hello…?"he asked

"Ban,"I said

"Why Ban why are you here?"he asked

"Well I am here to see Maze"I said

"Maze? Aren't you a little young?"he asked

"Aren't you a little old to be asking?"I said sarcastically

"Hahah, maybe. But little kids aren't Mazes type"he said

"Luckily, I am here to talk. I mean she is my care taker after all"I said

"Care taker? Wait a minute! You're Toji kid aren't you? Yes, I can see the resemblance!"he said

"You know my dad?"I asked

"Did I ever! I mean he is one of the only people I truly respect in my life. Sad to see that he settle down and died because of it"he said

"He died because he settled down?"I asked

"Oh! You don't know? Well let me tell you a story about your parents"he said

"Lucifer! Come over here! A certain detective want to take to you!"Maze said

"In a moment maze! I'm talking to someone!"he said

"Who is it?"she asked

Then she walk over here and saw my face. She was a little surprised but got over it quickly.

"Ban, why are you here?"she asked

"Well to make a deal with the devil"I said

"Haa, I was afraid of this"she said

"Afraid of what?"I asked

"Well I know your true abilities, and there scary compared to all of what I seen. So your probably here to either get things, lost things, destroy something"she said

"Nooo, you know that I can make my own decisions right? I mean I am the smartest mortal alive"I said

"Haaa, that the problem. Your like your dad, it seems you two share the same insanity gene with each other"she said

"I'm not insane , I'm just better"I said

"Well just make your deal"she said

"Ok, Lucifer, I want to make a deal"I said

"Oh, and what is it that you have in mind?"he asked

"Whatever deal Maze, you, and my dad made about me. I want it voided"I said

"Really?! It seems that you are as smart as I heard"he said

"You don't want that Ban"she said

"Well, I know that it been agree that you are my caretaker till most likely 18, but you will limit me won't you?"I asked

"It was request by your father, that his son should never chose to be a hero or villain, or whatever he wanted till he is 18"she said

"I wonder why? Did he expect me to be a overpowered Meta? Or is it that I hold something special."I said

"Oh you noticed? It seems that you have figured it out"Lucifer said

"Seems so, but how?"she asked

"Portal travel, you can connect the dots when you been to different worlds"I said

"So what did you figure out?"Lucifer asked

"I'm not who I think a am, right?"I said

"That's correct"he said

"I am the reincarnation of my father, aren't I?"I asked

"Wow, very impressive! You seem to have noticed, what gave it away?"he asked

"Nothing much, until in all the universes that I have traveled to it seems that every one is based on me. There never the same Ban, with immortality or my gifts. This doesn't make sense unless I was looking at the wrong person"I said

"Oh, carry on"he said

"Then besides of looking at "me" in a different universe, I looked at my dads existence in other universe. Low and behold, my father have very similar to the exact same powers"I said

"Oh interesting, it seems that you are getting closer"he said

"That could only mean that I was a unique existence in the whole multiverse, but the chances of that happening is literally 1 in infinity or I was not who I think I was. If I wasn't Ban, then I must be someone in the timeline, and the only other person would be my Dad, Toji"I said

"Round of applause, you are correct while also incorrect"he said

"What do you mean?"I said

"You are half Toji and half Ban. Your dad sacrificed his powers and fused it with you to keep you alive. On that day he went out to make treaties with others, so he can live with his family"he said

"Life had different plans though"maze said

"Yes, besides of peace, war broke out. With your dad weakened and everyone teaming up against him he eventually died"he said

"And my mother?"I asked

"Well your dad had 2 lovers, your mother who died because your magic weaken her during birth while you were trying to compensate for your own life force. This caused your magic to shut down until you were 12 or so"he said

"So I killed my mom? Damn, I guess it makes sense now. Wait who was the second lover of my dad?"I asked

"Well of course it was Makizeen or here"he said

I just open my mouth without saying anything, I mean maze was my caretaker but it seems that in her eyes was a mom.

"Wow, must have really love my dad to have taken care of me"I said

"Well I love you almost as much"she said

"What a amazing amount of growth mazikeen, can't wait to tell Linda about it. If you excuse me, I have kept the detective waiting"he said

Then he just left, and it was just me and maze. We talked for a bit before I left. I ask her to not come around as much as I was grown.

She agree but would visit twice a week maybe more. Then i portal out of there and into my garage.

"Haaa, what a tiring truth. I mean I killed both of my parents basically. Maybe I should do something for there honor"I said out loud to no one

Then for the next week or so I stayed i my garage and worked on a project. It was the recreation of my dad but as a robot.

It wasn't as strong as him and didn't have his cancel all abilities but it could still rival a justice league member.

So I only did something that would make him be remembered, I made him enter the justice league watch tower and mess around.

I just portables him in. Needless to say that when I saw the reactions of Green Arrow burst into tears as he thought it was the end it couldn't be funnier.

I mean I think I made Batman flinched and scared for a little while. I mean I just recorded there actions and saved it to a file called Bogger Aid2.

I even stored them in memory crystals in case I have ever forgotten about them. Anyways, I think I'll go and blow up Florida today.

I mean they were some insane people living there. I mean even more then me.