The End

[A/N: Sadly this is the last chapter. I know it's upsetting but where was this story even going?

I mean I had literally blown up a universe just because of the fun I'm of it.

Was I going to make Ban listen to Batman and deal with some dumb children and weaken his ability, of course not!

That's why I will end the story on a high note.

Anyways enjoy!]


Lately I had been just starting into the night. I mean there's a huge universe out there but most of revolve around earth.

Earth in the DC universe was the center of all problems. I mean after all it has all the important people on it.

Anyways, today is the day. The day were they break into the Cadmus Lab and find Super Boy.

Now was I going to help them? Of course not! I mean what am I, a charity?

But I was going to mess with them. What would be the best way to mess with them you ask?

Well of course, by taking a dragon and attacking them with it.

Now how was I going to get a dragon?

Well portal travel of course!

The first thing I did was make some medieval armor and sword. Now these weren't normal at all.

My sword could release a cool looking energy aura and make my sword movement look cool. I mean I didn't need it to take a dragon but I wanted to look cool doing it.

Then there was my armor, it was black and looked like a Knight Armor. It was basically indestructible and very light.

I mean I also didn't need armor as my body was a fortress.

Then i portal to a dimension that still had dragons. I had to say it was really disappointing what I found.

I mean this dimension had the same amount of time to develop like the other dimension but no since magic took over technology, they now shit in buckets and bleed out diseases.

It was a really weird dimension, but then I found myself, well a version of myself. He was known as a legendary knight with a sword called Excalibur and cool magic.

Then I went to talk to him but he was weird to talk to.

"Halt! Reveal your identity" he told me as I approached him.

"I am you" I said with a grin

"Impossible, how?"he asked

"Ah, so your just a normal version of me"I said

"Of you? No you are the one that copied me!"he said

"Nah, I don't think so"I said

"I challenge you to a duel of honor!"he said

I found this very annoying as I just wanted a dragon.

"Hey, question"I said

"Yes?"he said

"Where are the dragons?"I asked

"Dragons? Those overgrown lizards? They are west" he said

"Ah okay, then this is goodbye"I said

"Wait! If you are heading West be careful as it is breeding season for dragons and they get very aggressive this time of the season"he warned me

"Nah, I'll be fine" I said

"Then farewell shape shifter"he said

"Shape shifter?"I asked

"That is what you are, no? "He asked

"Nope, not even close. If anyone your the shape shifter"I said

"You dare call me an imposter! I forgave you once by letting you ignore my duel but no more!"he said

"Oh and what are you going to do?"I said mocking him

"This!"he said

Then all of a sudden the world was transforming. He was using his magic. I didn't know what it was but I could tell it was strong.


Then my arm flew off. Then it started to bleed aggressively and with healing.

"Impossible!"I said

"You fool, you should have known not to mess with me! My magic is call Anti life! As long as you have life it will drain it nonstop"he said

This explains why my arm wasn't healing and why he was able to cut it off but I still couldn't see him as the world was dark.

"Snatch!"I said

Then all of a sudden the world returned to normal and I gotten stronger. It was temporary but this meant he was weaker now too.

My arm still didn't recover but i just attacked him with one arm.

Even though I was handicapped, I was way more powerful physically. One punch and he would most likely die.

So that what I aimed for. I aimed for the head but he was quick and tried to block it with his sword.

But it wasn't that helpful as I was able to punch and pierce his stomach.

Now me and him or "myself" where face to face. His eyes were starting to go empty as the life was leaving them.

"Ha, should have let me go"I said

"Maybe, but you'll regret this"he said

"Hahah, very funny and how would I regret thi-" I said until I got pierced in my stomach by his hand.

I had underestimated him, I thought his sword was only able to pierce me but it seem that wasn't the case.

It was his magic that was able to do it.

"Infect! Anti life virus!"he said

Then he had died as he said those final words. I just dropped him body and looked at my wounds.

First was my lost arm. Even though he was died I couldn't heal it.

Then I looked at my stomach, there was a small hole it wasn't deep but it was slowly turning black.

It was like a slow spreading infection. I didn't know how to stop it as currently I didn't have my tools.

I had ricks knowledge and he was a man of science, not magic.

So I decided that even if my life was endangered, I should go and tame a dragon as they were known as masters of magic in lots of text.

I portal to the west and quickly searched for these dragons.

I soon found one but to my surprise, they were really what this version of myself said. They were just overgrown lizards with wings and can breath fire.

"Damn it! You know what! I'm a take you take my earth anyways"I said

Then I created a portal and shoved the dragon in there.

Then i noticed that my veins were turning black and my wounds were turning black.

I just grabbed the dragon like it as a doll and decided that if I was going to create one last mess for the heroes, it should be to the side kicks.

So I just portal to the Cadmus lab that the side kicks were at. I also took the dragon, and I told it one command.

"Cause havoc"I said

It nodded and started to fly and unleash his flames.

At this point my body besides my head was covered in darkness of the anti life magic.

"Damn, and here I thought I was a god. I mean I had the knowledge and body! Where did I go wrong!"I said out loud

The dragon was flying around destroying buildings and turning things into a blaze but I was slowly dying.

"Immortality,huh. And here I thought that it would prevent me from any type of death. Guess not"I said as I finally turned into dust.

The dust was soon blown by the wind as I died.

(3rd Person POV)

With the end of Ban, the world returned into it original balanced.

But it wasn't only his world. The multiverse that he created from his wish slowly started to vanish as his immortality bonded these universes together.

The immortal Ban technically killed him self if one thinks about it.

But not all went back to normal as Ban left some advance level technology behind.

With this technology, Batman was able to created new gadgets and the Light was able to be a greater threat.

Justice League even gave Ban a special funeral as they didn't know if he was dead or just disappeared.

Even Lucifer and Maze were upset with his death and tried to revive Ban. But they failed as Anti Life left nothing behind, not even Bans soul.

This end the tale of the Immortal man who thought could play god.


[A/N: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

It's the end of this Fan Fiction!

I know the ending was weird and some might not like it but thought luck!

Ban killed himself and was wiped from existence as a result.

I know he didn't really begin the Young Justice plot or any plot in general but I made him to overpowered.

I mean what was I going to do?

Make him listen to Batman?

Hell no!

That's why I decided to cut my losses and end this Fan Fiction!

I know it's not what one would want but what can I say, this is my story and if it feels like a dead end I'll end it as soon as I can.

Well I hope you enjoyed the story!

Have a good day!]