Something To Prove

Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Zai had been chewed out by Colonel Riel often, back when she'd been Major Riel. Her tendency to endanger herself over the people under her command had more than once landed her in hot water when it came to the fact that, to an outsider, Zai never seemed to learn her lesson.

What Zai had never experienced, and never thought she'd live to experience, was getting put before a General for what she'd done.

Finding herself in General Suleika's office at first light, seated before the seemingly tireless woman, in her dress uniform, and with Colonel Riel sitting right next to her instead of on the other side of the desk felt strange. It really hammered home the fact that Zai wasn't under Riel's command anymore.

"So. This is what you meant, Colonel, when you told me Captain Zai was a bit of a troublemaker."

"General, I can explain..." Colonel Riel started to say before Suleika raised a hand for silence.