The Gauntlet

Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye



Amri was almost done with her breakfast when Zai finished behind the counter, smiling as she walked over after donning her formal jacket and getting a small plate of steamed buns.

They exchanged greetings before Amri noted, "I thought you said they would just have you write a self-criticism, Captain. Seems like you're punishment is a bit more involved that you thought."

"General Suleika made the assessment that I'm not susceptible to normal punishment," Zai said around a mouthful of steamed bun. "I see she hasn't gotten around to talking to you yet."

"Actually we talked last night... she let me off with a warning. Still... based on the limited time we've had together..." Amri paused as she thought, "Yes. I can definitely see that... about 'normal punishment' that is."

Zai shrugged. "I'm not completely hopeless... After all they're giving me a promotion today."