The Life and Death of Rabbit II

Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye


A week after their trip to Lutis, Zai was ready to be back in the action.

She'd started growing antsy around the third day, right after Xu recovered from her oath. Xu hadn't taken the secret of Apotheosis as well as Zai did, and had spent a couple of days sulking as a result.

For Zai, however, every day she was out of the field meant more losses than the Rebellion would have otherwise had. When she raised this concern to Suleika, however, the response she gave did much to humble her.

"Let the people earn their liberation," she said, before ordering Zai to continue her rest.

Captain Xu used her rest to train and eventually was happy to report that she could now consciously suppress her power. She spent a lot of her time after that running errands for Quynh, who started training with Shenmi.