
Mt. Dakun, Rebellion-Held Aviye


Amri sat as General Suleika read over her proposal.

Four people sat at the sides of a massive oak table. The meeting room was seldom used because of its distance from the radio room, but discretion was needed for the subject of Amri's paper. A plan of how to spread Ascendant training to all of Aviye.

Keeping her abilities to a minimum kept her from picking up others' thoughts, but she couldn't exactly turn off her ability to empathize without looking away, and she might seem rude if she seemed distracted.

Fortunately, Suleika had coffee, so Amri busied herself studying her reflection in her cup. She'd discovered a bit of love for the bitter brew after her mind-melding experiment with Zai, and she wondered how else she'd changed after their wonderful time together.

The smile on her face disappeared when Suleika gently cleared her throat.