Nothing To Teach

Lutis Village, Democratic Union of Aviye


In the late evening of the first day of fall, Amri knocked on Shenmi's door.

Amri's training with Shenmi had progressed well for the first year. She'd learned much about ways to meditate, ways to think past the problems that plagued her.

Yet for all that she learned, she still felt no closer to apotheosis. It was like she'd gained in breadth but not depth, and so much of what she learned made her wonder how anyone achieved apotheosis at all. The most frustrating thing about it was that Amri had come to feel so close to achieving that breakthrough, it was almost like she could reach out and touch it. Yet the longer she lingered at that edge, the more distant it felt.

Even knowing the secret of it didn't help, and what had been an amusing sort of inside knowledge turned into a paralyzingly infinite array of potential choices.