Coming Together

Lutis, Democratic Union of Aviye


Amri and Shenmi were seated at the village tree when the truck arrived.

At first, Amri thought they might be missed, but then the truck put on the brakes, causing the back of the vehicle to rock and a crying out that sounded very much like Xu and Quynh. There was barking as well, of a deep nature that made Amri wonder exactly what kind of dogs Zai had found.

From the driver's side, Zai opened the door and practically leaped into Amri's arms, kissing her on the lips and hugging her just barely underneath the threshold of too-tight.

"I missed you," she said, letting go just enough to brush away a strand of Amri's hair.

"It's only been two months," Amri blushed. Looking into her eyes, Amri could see that she'd been through a lot in that time. "I was so glad when they said the war was over..."