Interlude - Hume

Izhvahan Office of Intelligence, Nehru, Izhvahan

The retreat from Aviye was costly, but Hume could forgive himself for that. He'd successfully extracted the organization he'd felt could destabilize the situation in the long term. He'd ascertained the threats posed by the Aviyan Ascendants. And he'd put fear into the populous with the Silk Tower bombing, which had taken just under a thousand lives.

Surely he could be forgiven for not being able to keep the Kingdom afloat, given how little time he had after being sent to assist his dearly departed brother.

When, after a week, no punishment had been forthcoming, Hume decided to celebrate. He had the head of the Office of Intelligence buy him an entire wheel of port cheese - which cost more than the wine in this backward country - and proceeded to take over the man's office.