Change of Program

Aviye Liberation Forces Headquarters, Mt. Dakun, Democratic Union of Aviye



Mt. Dakun had changed a lot since Zai was here last.

The upper levels seemed quite empty compared to when it had been the Rebellion's last great bastion, and she understood the necessity of dismantling the base and turning over the site to those that would restore and preserve the ancient temples that had been carved into it.

Some of the rooms now had pictures next to them, from before they'd been converted, and many were dismantled to replace statues exactly where they'd stood. Almost all of the changes were to the west side of the split mountain, where most of the personnel had been housed.

Thanks to the drawing down of forces as they deployed elsewhere, there was no longer a need for so many rooms, and those that were left could be housed in the external buildings that had been added to the complex or the east side.