A War Called Peace

Aviye Liberation Forces Headquarters, Mt. Dakun, Democratic Union of Aviye



The moment Amri left, Zai felt the mood in the room shift, growing less pronounced than it had been. Though Zai knew they might still have a struggle ahead of them to adopt Maya, she felt optimistic about their chances, since Suleika likely did have ways she could have leaned on the council to block the adoption if she really wanted to.

"Is there anything else we need to discuss, General?" Zai asked.

"Yes," Suleika said. "Dr. Jeng no doubt picked my mind because I was about to change the subject to the First Ascendant's next assignment."

Zai took a breath, allowing her mind to switch onto a track that was more soldierly than what she'd entered the room with. "I'm ready to hear it," she said.