The Siege of Maezul, Part 2

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye


The warning to shelter in place came just as Quynh finished putting on her uniform.

Looking outside the window, she saw that the vehicles surrounding the village had all switched their bright lights on, and she ducked back. A visit to the closet later, Quynh had a shotgun and a handgun, though she had barely qualified with the latter and didn't know if she could really fire the former. These she brought downstairs to the kitchen table, laying them on a chair while she went to fetch her medical supplies for what might be a battle.

A couple of trips up and down the stairs later, Quynh also had composed several medical kits, bandage sets, and some traditional remedies that would help with Xu and Quynh's needs more than anyone else's.

To be sure of her energy, she chewed through a bitter stimulant pill and felt her spirit rise just a bit.