A Tradition of Substance


"And this one?" Shenmi asked.

"Dragon tree thorn," Quynh replied instantly, before she even picked up the leaf where Shenmi had put it in front of her. In the memory, Quynh was young. Perhaps fourteen, when she first started learning from the only doctor in Lutis Village.

"Wrong. Don't be so hasty. Look again," Shenmi ordered.

Quynh frowned but did as she was told. "Snakeroot?" she said, uncertain.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Shenmi asked in return.

"Asking... I suppose..." Quynh admitted.

Shenmi chuckled, "Good. Still wrong, but if there is something you are unsure of, always ask an expert. You'll need to learn about this if you're moving down to Zuret. It can solve many ills, but most especially rice mist fever, even at the stage when it becomes hemorrhagic. Now, what is this?"

"Water dragon horn!" Shenmi replied.