The Siege of Maezul, Part 3

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye



"Quynh!" Xu shouted as she saw the mortar strike their home, exploding in a confined puff of red.

In the middle of Singh's verbal sparring with the enemy leader, Xu had tried to sneak out toward her, only to spot someone pointing directly at her as soon as she put up her antipathy field. Then the mortars had rained down, seemingly at random, and it was all Xu could do to rush to safety along with Captain Singh and the others.

As soon as she'd stopped with Captain Singh, inside the shelter of the Village Hall's thick walls, she saw the mortar hit.

"Stop, Captain Xu, you can't go there!" Singh argued, grabbing onto her arm with the hand of her frame.

The massive metal fingers managed to stop even Xu, though she could have applied herself to breaking them rather easily. "Quynh is in there," Xu shouted.

"And she's either dead or wearing a gas mask. We need to focus here!" Quynh shouted.