The Siege of Maezul - Part 4

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye



As soon as the ground exploded, Zai had one moment to process that she'd stepped into a minefield.

Infused as it was, her frame was unharmed, and Zai used the next moment to grab K'le's frame and shove her back.

"Stay back and cover me," Zai shouted over her speakers as the enemy opened fire.

For this fight, Rabbit III was equipped with Zai's signature sword, a box of nine rockets that could fire straight ahead, and a 30mm autocannon that was technically supposed to be one of Captain Hong's spares.

As K'le retreated back the way they came, Zai shifted to cover her, deciding to open up with her only volley of rockets since the enemy was as clustered as they were going to get.