The Siege of Maezul - Part 5

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye


Zai charged, her sword swinging as uncountable threads rose up to block her path. These did little more than scratch Rabbit's paint, but they weren't meant to destroy her...

They were meant to restrain.

With so many of the Spider's siblings brought to bear, even with their wildly varying strengths and powers, they acted as a coordinated whole. Zai found herself pitching forward as she swung her blade, one of Rabbit's legs refusing to move.

Unable to look down, she could only assume that the leg had been caught by more spirit threads. She turned her fall into a deadly rotation as she twisted Rabbit's body to land on its side, lashing out with her sword and catching one of the Spider's puppets with the final meter of the blade as he failed to dodge in time.

The man's torso dangled for the barest moment before falling to the ground, a single shimmering line severing from the back of his skull.