Broken Webs

Maezul Village, Democratic Union of Aviye



A knife suddenly appeared in Hume's throat, and Zai felt the net around her stop squeezing, its threads breaking against her body as they lost their infusion.

Before she could even hit the ground, a machine gun beat a staccato of infused bullets into the remaining risers.

It was when Zai finally landed that she saw Xu, with Quynh's hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry we're late, Commander... Quynh had to kiss everyone in your units when the enemy gassed our position."

"That is... not a story I was expecting, Captain," Zai said, laughing more from relief than humor. "Quynh, I need you to go help Sergeant Ruu, she's still in her frame. There's a release lever on the-"

"I'm on it," Quynh said, dashing off faster than Zai had ever seen her move.