Interlude - Cao

Office of Army Intelligence, Escator, Democratic Union of Aviye


By the pale moonlight, the Palace in Escator seemed peaceful. Yet Colonel Cao was still awake when he was notified of a call.

Commander Zai had yet to return from her mission, and he had precious hours left for the arrangements he'd made to keep his privacy intact for the day.

The call came in over the secure line, and Colonel Cao sent the receiving sergeant away so that he could handle the call personally. There would only be one record of this call. Cao's.

He already had the next reel of magnetic tape ready to replace what he took. 

"Cao speaking," he answered, as soon as he heard the sound of a breath on the line.

"Colonel... I hope you found the performance exemplary..." The accent had Prisia all over it, but Cao knew better.