Epilogue - Part 3 - Tears

People's Ascendance Center, Xalam Province, Democratic Union of Aviye


Three months after the birth of her child, Amri wept bitter tears as she woke to yet another silent morning.

She knew the feeling would pass. That she would find her equilibrium later in the day.

Yet still, in the moment, it hurt.

Something was wrong with Yue.

Something she didn't understand, which didn't exist in all the knowledge she'd been given.

Something which could not be found with all the effort Quynh put herself through to delve the mysteries of ancient Aviyan medicine.

Something Xu could only council vigilance and attention, lacking an efficient answer.

Something that Amri could not bear to tell Zai, even in the letter that lay open on the stand next to her bed, unfinished. Not when she had a war to focus on.

She needed to tell her wife that everything was fine.

But things were not fine.

Something was wrong with Yue.