
The Olvafordt, Freiresval

Unlike his predecessor, President Milius Hopper was a far less patient man.

Also unlike his predecessor, Hopper hadn't been voted into office. President Antonio Zumwalt's death three years into his third term had saddled Hopper with the need to finish the Continental War for him.

Fortunately, pouring a couple of hundred-thousand fresh troops into the Commonwealth by train and then shipping them to Prisia had proved effective. Despite the unpopularity of the war at home, winning it had provided a great deal of legitimacy to Usona's military.

The increase in military production carried on even now as Usona capitalized on its industries to help Prisia and other nations rebuild.

Which, naturally, led to this outcome. All the Old Powers and the New sitting around a conference table, discussing world peace in Freiresval, a neutral micro-state between Austrany and Siveron.

And speaking of Prisia...