
Joint Operations Base Blue Flame Reef, Outpost 44,  Kota


Captain Rui Jeng tried not to let her mood show as she approached the pier. Being an officer in the Aviye Liberation Forces Army, it was her responsibility to maintain discipline in the ranks. Thus, she did not smile as she supervised the on-shoring of the Expeditionary Task Force's reinforcements.

She was dressed in her greens, her flame-red hair hidden under a cap.

Rui maintained a cool stare as the lieutenant in charge of gathering the new officers did her duty, calling out the roll.

Once she was done, Rui took her report - all present except for one ill exception.

"Good work, Lieutenant. I need one volunteer and the rest you can take to get settled in."

The lieutenant saluted and executed a perfect about-face. "The Captain needs a volunteer!" she raised her voice.