A Void In The Truth

ALVF Base 01, Qinglong Naval Base, The Tenth Starday Complex, ALFA Headquarters

Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye



Though the days that followed weren't all bliss, they got much better after Amri and Zai shared their thoughts.

Then came the day of the court-martial.

Zai was called the day before and learned that the proceedings had been moved from the base Judicial Office to the Tenth Starday Building. Instead of allowing Amri to drive her, a trio of military vehicles arrived, black sedans into which Zai and her family were driven off the base.

As she sat in the car with Yue and Amri, Zai's concerns started to mount. Amri felt her concerns, and sent over pulses of reassurance, but as they drove off the base and neared their destination, Amri's touch on Zai's mind started to wane. Until...

"Something's wrong..." Amri said. "There's anger ahead of us."

"What do you mean?" Zai asked.