A Consequence Of Inequality

The Tenth Starday Complex, ALFA Headquarters

Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye



"Thank you, your honor," Minister Yun said, before clearing her throat. "Please clear the room."

On cue, the military police and Xu asked for Zai's witnesses to stand, escorting them from the room until only Zai remained with her three judges and her Judge Advocate. She sensed Xu standing guard just outside the door behind her.

As soon as the final door closed, Minister Yun and General Suleika sighed.

"What a fine mess you've made for us, Colonel," Yun said. "Are you aware of the debate you've caused in Aviye?"

Zai felt a moment of confusion. "I am not aware I was being court-martialed for sparking a national debate," she replied. "Though these Ascendant Laws... I'm not sure what to make of them except that they are very general." She postulated this based only on the names of the violated laws that were read out.