Loyal Quarrel

The Grand Sports Arena of the Meadows, Anhalt, Siveron


Leave it to the Siveronians to think that an air of mystery was what the Tournament needed.

Finn had heard the term "Siveronian Surprise" before, but as far as he knew it was a specific type of tactic where they half-buried a tank to let the snow cover it before bursting out to ambush enemy formations. Or hid a squad of frame operators in a building before bursting out to-

The point was, Finn would have rather been at the receiving end of a Siveronian Surprise than receive the surprise that awaited him the night of the match.

The last week had been interesting to say the least.

When it was announced the matches would be decided at random, it meant that every single contender had to train against the possibility of receiving any of their seven potential opponents.