Vanya On Ice

The Grand Sports Arena of the Meadows, Anhalt, Siveron


The first round ended in a surprise upset, with Okken's contender Fusako Okudaira literally batting Usona's Makya Ahote out of the arena. Fusako looked the worse for the wear, but in another surprise, she raised her fist in victory while looking towards the Aviyan side of the stadium.

The raised fist was an important symbol in Aviye, and Finn wondered what the Okken contender was playing at with that little show of solidarity since, by all indications, Okken was very much testing the waters for its own imperial plays.

The second round ended with Ozstralis knocking out the Prisian's second-stringer. Ozstralis' fighter used a kick-heavy style that emphasized front snap kicks, while the hands and arms were used to position opponents for said kicks. Finn didn't much care for either team, or the names of their contenders.