The Lesson Of Being


"Again!" Shenmi yelled as she swept another deadly blow towards Zai's midsection.

This time, Zai was ready, and she wasted not a single millimeter in avoiding the strike before-

She fell in half.

As soon as she was out of the Roost, she confronted Shenmi. "How the hells did you do that?" Zai demanded.

"If you had your sight you would have seen me compressing the air around my hand the entire time. I simply chose to release it right then. Now, repeat to me the Lesson of Tomorrow," Shenmi demanded, as was her right by the rules they'd established between each other.

"The corporeal existence is one that must end in death. The incorporeal existence is one that must end in rebirth," Zai intoned. "The universe wastes nothing, and all the lives within it is bound to the wheel of rebirth. Nothing can escape it. To break the cycle, become nothing."