
Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye

3 Days Before The Finals


Rui and Finn were leaping across the rooftops of Linan when something struck her from the right. Finn had just a moment to see the future shadow, blended with the backdrop of night, before something struck him from the left, outside his peripheral vision. They were carried in opposite directions from each other, with Finn landing hard in a football field he recognized as being near their hotel, his body used to break the fall of his assailant.

He did not get a chance to see where Rui landed.

Kicking off, Finn was able to get a few steps worth of distance before he noticed that his coat was on fire.

"My fiancé gave me this coat," he complained as he pulled it off.

In front of him, his assailant stood. Smoke and embers hid the face of the man, but Finn could tell who it was he was fighting.

The Second Ascendant of Flame.