The Battle Of Ascension - Part 2

Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye

Khayin / Rui


At the end of the tunnel was a small ramp that led upwards for a story before ending at another sturdy metal door.

This time Khayin didn't bother trying to knock it down, instead punching through the concrete before reaching through and turning the door handle on the other side.

He discovered it was unlocked, which meant he should have tried the handle in the first place, but wasted no more time than it took to give a disappointed tsk before entering.

The further hall space was cramped, with many pipes along the ceiling, but Khayin proceeded along until he came to a hall that had sturdy metal doors on both sides. There were ten rooms, and each door had a slit for viewing inside.

The first six were empty.

The seventh had a mattress visible, propped against the wall, but no occupant that he could tell.

The eighth-