The Battle of Ascension - Part 3

Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye

Fang / Xu


The Tenth Starday Complex, ALFA Headquarters


"Get more furniture on the door!" General Fang Riel shouted as the mob of unknown, armed enemies continued to fire in on the entrance to the Tenth Starday Complex's main building.

They had precious few Ascendants present thanks to the Council's decision to put the First Ascendant on construction details in northern Aviye, and it was only a matter of time until the complex fell.

It didn't help that someone had cut off power to the building, but thankfully the building had backup generators and the moment they switched on, the night staff had started consolidating to figure out what was happening.

The attack had come shortly after, and it was with heavy losses that the security guards had managed to repel the first wave in time to begin arming every capable soldier and sailor left in the building.