Epilogue - Towards Tomorrow

In the year 4842 of the Aviyan Calendar, the world was pitched into chaos before the first interstice of the year following the Continental War.

History would record that seemingly disparate savior cults simultaneously attacked the capitals of the world's most populated nations, resulting in a death toll in the hundreds of thousands. These cults shared a common thread of belief in the return of one Markus Aureus, a religious figure prominent in the pre-Republic colonization and conquest of the Usonan continent, and a persona adopted by magnate Malbus Mosely, whose corporate empire was dismantled after the attacks.

The vanguard of the attacks fell upon Linan, razing much of the city. It was ultimately defeated through the efforts of The Four Teachers, their apprentices, and the millions of people both native and foreign, who were in the city at the time of the first People's Awakening.