Struggle's End - Part 2

Amri Jeng

Amri raised her hands from the glowing blue lines of the amplifier tablet.

Eight years after the Burning Night, she was still making the rounds from city to city in Aviye, awakening the People to their potential as cultivators in each place she visited. A cyclical journey by road and rail, it felt like.

The work was a little harder now that she was alone in her head. Shiza and Shenmi had said their goodbyes before retreating permanently into the core Shenmi had hidden in Amri's immortality core. Then, three years ago, that core had abruptly disintegrated, filling Amri with a rush of qi and a sensation of peace as she absorbed it. She'd been heavily pregnant with the twins at the time, so it felt appropriate to name them after her departed teachers. They could always change names later if they didn't like them.